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t1_j9w2w2g wrote

Next up, the UN will vote on sanctions against people who make 3D pie charts and it'll be UNANIMOUS.


OP t1_j9xunyz wrote

I like 3D pie charts. I never understood the hate. In this case it's a single chart with only two parts so I don't see a problem.


t1_j9xv9pe wrote

From an aesthetic point of view I have no beef with them; that's just personal taste. But they mislead. Look at the darker blue "side wall". That has tends to exaggerate the sense of blueness in the image. It dominates the yellow far more than it should in the basis of the raw data. The aim of a visualisation should be to communicate the data accurately, not to mislead. 3D pie charts mislead, so should be avoided. Unless you want to mislead. Then you should definitely use them.


OP t1_j9xwq9v wrote

Ok, point taken. But for 141:7 it's not really making a difference.

Also I feel people hate pie charts in general?


t1_j9xxf94 wrote

Yeah, pie charts are somewhat problematic but I don't hate on the 2D ones quite as much. They can be useful. Sometimes. There are sound reasons for the hatred, something about perception of area being harder than perception of length, idk.