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yesterdaywsthursday t1_j9wlj0e wrote

This chart is as pointless as the UN vote


Denk-doch-mal-meta OP t1_j9xvefv wrote

It's not pointless to show a dictator that a vast majority disagrees.

But yes, the veto rights in the security council and the possession of nuclear weapons make it difficult to give a an aggressor the answer he deserves.

What's your recommendation to the 141 countries?


yesterdaywsthursday t1_ja03b0u wrote

You’re absolutely delusional if you think Putin gives a fuck what these UN delegates think


Denk-doch-mal-meta OP t1_ja08aag wrote

Oh yes, he looks exactly what and how many countries voted against him and he does not like it. In fact, it's the whole point, he wants a new USSR which is feared like 60 years ago. The vote shows how far away those times are.