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crimeo t1_j8yjken wrote

> Never had many guns in the first place Had lower violent crimes rates even before guns were banned

Wow almost as if few guns has a relationship to low gun crime! Wacky!

They did not have by any means zero guns, however, and the point stands they encountered no significant issues in banning them.

> [Europe doesn't] have huge populations of historically marginalized poor stuffed into urban ghettos

You should probably learn anything at all about European history before replying to a conversation about Europe.

> Have cultures where deference to authority is a norm, rather than fierce independence

Name a single instance in living memory where a notable group of people "Defended themselves against authority" with guns in America successfully. This does not happen. If you resist authority with guns, they bring bigger guns. You die. The end. Complete fantasy realities do not bear on actual real life policy considerations.

> Have a social safety net and educational systems that give people hope

What on earth does that have anything to do with what we are talking about? Banning guns. "I had a good relationship with my mother and I like strawberry ice cream, therefore guns can't be banned" No you can't just list random ass things out of a hat and pretend it's an argument.

> I'm sure you mean well, but you have no idea. The day guns are banned is the day the US ceases to exist.

I spent most of my life in the U.S. I also happen to know that almost nobody even gave two shits about the 2nd amendment prior to like the 1960s. It was not considered an even minorly significant aspect of the country's identity for the vast majority of its existence. To act like it is THE core pillar of American identity is absurd.

Edit since you blocked me: "I'm sure you'll succeed someday" I don't live in America anymore, so I already succeeded in escaping to a sane country that doesn't needlessly let its citizens die, but thank you for the unnecessary well wishes all the same.
