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Clarksp2 t1_j8zs2d3 wrote

US overall would be hard though, since each state has its own gun laws. Some states with the strictest laws have the highest murder rates with firearms, or others have open carry and you see uptick from that as well (any death, in defense or not is considered homicide)


22marks t1_j8zytpb wrote

Many states have higher populations than countries listed. Iceland only has 375,000 people. It wouldn't even be one of the United State's Top 50 cities. They should do a state breakdown.


Clarksp2 t1_j900vw6 wrote

Yeah not sure why I was downvoted for saying US is complex enough to not be included in the above graphic and would indeed need its own breakdown


_DarkWingDuck t1_j905jty wrote

Problem with states strict gun laws have bordering states with lax laws. A federal needs to be implemented at some rate. Hard to argue against in my opinion.