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statsnp OP t1_j953yu3 wrote

This is a Tableau visualization showing Median 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom prices and Per Capita Income for the 25 most populous cities in the United States.The Apartment Prices were scraped from Jan 23-25, 2023 Zumper 1 Bed, 1 Bath Apartment Listings (See code), and Per Capita Income were taken from: .

It should be noted that the apartment data is from January 2023 while the Per Capita Income was calculated using 2020 U.S. Census data (which is the most recent comprehensive US income public data). It should also be noted that the Per Capita Incomes represents the average income earned per person in a geographical region, and serves only as an estimate for the average income for residents.

The complete Web Scraping, Data Analysis and Tableau code can be found in the Github Repo: those interested, I also created a Tableau dashboard that includes a geographic heat map of the median apartment prices: .


st4n13l t1_j98u96t wrote

It should also be noted, before anyone gets frustrated, that this list is based off of the population of the city and isn't related to the population of the metro areas the cities might reside in.