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JenzBrodsky t1_j9amz3o wrote

Needs number of regular season games


Advanced_Book7782 t1_j9anvhz wrote

Yeah, it seems total home attendance per season would make more sense.


Artistic-Breadfruit9 t1_j9az3ng wrote

Especially as a percentage of available seats per season.


GullibleAudience6071 t1_j9e3fxr wrote

My home teams (bulls and Hawks play at the same stadium, United center) The bulls have 41 home games per season (963,500 seats) while the black hawks have 41 (963,500) compare that to the bears at soldier field with six home games (only 504,000 seats)


[deleted] t1_j9et3jh wrote

The Blackhawks don't play every game in Chicago. No different than the NBA.


JenzBrodsky t1_j9bbprq wrote

I think just # of games as a relative guage. Next would be avg ticket price. Can't expect people to have the same amount of time and money for each sport, which are not mutually exclusive.


vtTownie t1_j9cdu20 wrote

Ya though weekend MLB series single game ticket costs can rival those of NFL


areappreciated t1_j9c47b1 wrote

+1. Using the average per team, Baseball averages 3.4M attendence per team across 150+ games. NFL averages 1M across 17 games.

Would be interested to see if average NFL ticket prize is 3.5x MLB.