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russellzerotohero t1_j9rojzr wrote

They would actually fall under white… Hispanic is an ethnicity not a race.


TrickyPlastic t1_j9tjtrb wrote

It's not even that. It's based on language. And Latino is based on culture. Brazilians are Latino but not Hispanic.

Mestizo would be the name of the actual biological racial category.


russellzerotohero t1_j9tojmw wrote

From what I understand it’s pretty hard to pin down all of Latin America into a group like that. Since there is so much diversity in said group. Argentinian vs Mexican for example.


BadBunnyYonaguni t1_j9urf71 wrote

Fun fact I learned from a Colombian - most common language in South America? Portuguese. Ethnic group with largest plurality? White people. You can look it up on wiki. Shocking to me as an Indian lol.