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elijahmeeks OP t1_jafu0ax wrote

I asked ChatGPT to give me a list of topics that were too complex or uncertain for it to discuss without being misleading and made a bunch of charts out of the results. This is a nice overview Dumbbell plot of the subject areas of the 100 topics that ChatGPT gave me but if you want to see some treemaps and word clouds you can check out the whole thing here:

I used a Noteable notebook, which is Pythn+SQL. The data visualization uses their built-in tool DEX, which uses javascript with Semiotic and D3 under the hood.

Edited to add: This is a live notebook that you can interact with, explore, and export the dataset that I had ChatGPT create for me.


the_scign t1_jajjejf wrote

So it's like you asked a sixth-grader to give you a number between 0 and 10 on how complicated quantum physics is.