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FriendoftheDork t1_jahkb9i wrote

According to Miljødirektoratet Norwegians produced 74-79 KG food waste per person per year (2016). Which would about the same or lower than UK has in the above map.



Your source seem to have similar numbers, and both are below the global average. The tricky part is what is beeing measured, and what estimates were used as well as reporting.


WordsWithWings t1_jahm3zv wrote

Interresting. Don't know if the gap from 2016 to 2021 between these sources matter that much - but where in the MD report did you find your numbers? The graph on page 5 seems to indicate annual food waste per person to be 41-46 kg?


FriendoftheDork t1_jahncwf wrote

Yeah that's only in the food industry as I could understand, so would not include food waste in your home which is by itself 40kg in 2020 (p. 94).

Note that unlike the map above, the purpose of this report is not to compare food wastage between countries but to examine specific aspects of it in Norway and how it can be reduced.