gaban_killasta t1_jalmw0h wrote
Does this take into account hours worked? Quality of work? Age? Etc
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaln6wu wrote
Statistically if you average it out, you should reduce bias. But, it won't eliminate the same. Also, such data is not available at a global scale.
bytemage t1_jalndwm wrote
It's not really a beautiful visualization though. At least to me it looks confusing and visually bland. Is there any reason for the column colors, or is it just your choice?
gaban_killasta t1_jalrtbo wrote
Wait... You show less bias, by NOT including more details?
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jalsvjx wrote
Not what I meant. This is purely a statistical measure. If you calculate the same numbers for a small county, You will have more biases than when you do it for a country. So, even if I add more biased counties, the national numbers will not be impacted much.
What you are asking is more information , which is sadly not available. Will dig deeper in the future.
J_Worldpeace t1_jalwqwa wrote
Good data. Not a beautiful layout.
thorspeepee t1_jam1lh7 wrote
There is no wage gap. Different hours, different performance.
Objective-Run-2757 t1_jam4lch wrote
Agreed. Some people just won’t let go of disproven narratives. The US Women’s National team’s attempt at this narrative was an embarrassment.
[deleted] t1_jamnjvr wrote
sadko2828 t1_jamztne wrote
Why is there a country called Grand Total?
Cpt_keaSar t1_janj9vo wrote
One simple trick data analysts don’t want you to know!
[deleted] t1_jannwg0 wrote
MezzaYT t1_janroqo wrote
All I see is a strip of bacon
hrokrin t1_jas3ohl wrote
The use of color isn't clear and I don't see any sort of legend to clarify it. Also, I'd point out as others have, there is no way to tell the number of hours worked by county and sex.
capybarawelding t1_jau2oh2 wrote
There's a country called Occupied Palestinian Territory. Haven't heard that since applying for SA visa.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jalmlix wrote
Follow-up to the previous post ( ILO data visualized using Datawrapper)