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Kool-aid_Crusader t1_japqx5r wrote

Idk, you list Africa which is a contintent, then list Ghana and Zimbawe seperately. Gonna assume you meant North of South Africa?


EarthBoundBatwing t1_jan741c wrote

My data visualization professor showed us this in a lecture when I was in school for cs. Loved that class.


Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jan7q80 wrote

Wow, Do you have the visualisation output from that?. Will be good to see.


EarthBoundBatwing t1_janvjlo wrote

Wait, I actually found it in my old notes lol. I was wrong. It was very similar, but it was life expectancy vs average income by country, and it was animated by year, where each node had a radius based on population.

Pretty close to this, but slightly different


st4n13l t1_janajtx wrote

How did you decide which countries to highlight?


Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_janc1ca wrote

Just the polars on the chart that are significant. The interactive chart is supposed to give all details on hover.


JackdiQuadri97 t1_jap4jkk wrote

I don't agree with the positioning of "zone of worry" and "depreciating focus" in specific, as they are too close to 0% in Y axis. For example San Marino seems to be in the middle between appreciating and depreciating, while in actuality it was already one of the top spenders and it even raised (even if not much) their spending, I'd say the label should be placed further down