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t1_jb0966g wrote

Interesting graph, but my brain can't really comprehend the exponential growth in the colors so maybe try another depiction.

Also it would be fun see smoking on there (knows it another kind of killer, but just for putting in perspective what kills us)


OP t1_jb122sb wrote

Thanks for the idea for comparing against smoking! I just may create a comparison for that in the future. :)

Depicting the exponential growth was definitely the hardest challenge of this visualization for me. I didn't want to just use a logarithmic bar/column chart because I find them boring and that people don't really understand them visually, so I opted to try something less conventional. I remembered this style of chart from somewhere and tried to at least hint at the increasing values (besides the explicit legend) with a red gradient and increasingly larger { brackets on the left. Any tips for how I could show this better? I'm pretty new to data visualization and am looking to learn.