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t1_jdhayiz wrote

Why is using a printer considered retro? How else am I gonna print out stuff?


t1_jdhl8ct wrote

My 12yo daughter prints out drawings and crafts multiple times a week… she uses it way more than I do, that’s for sure.


t1_jdi1er1 wrote

Damn, I forgot about the time I printed out dozens of free use coloring pages. The only alternative here would have been to go out and spend quite a lot of money on physical copies of books. I can see how a child can get a lot of use out of a printer.


t1_jdhblyz wrote



t1_jdhfmi9 wrote

Maybe it's just me, but I use it regularly. Handouts for youth programs, maps, spreadsheets, documents I have to sign etc.


t1_jdhj7pe wrote



t1_jdi0z2c wrote

Hah yeah, I have to admit that I am way too analog for my age. But still, I haven't seen an application that can do the same, as just taking a map and designing a hiking route dedicated to my purposes.


t1_jdk27s0 wrote

You should always have a physical map for unfamiliar hikes. I think there are some niche applications that don't really show up in data like this.


t1_jdjrb80 wrote

I've never seen anything better than a 1:25k map, laid on the ground and oriented, for trying to make sense of the situation around you. I use the GPS on my phone to figure out where I am and Dioptera for taking bearings. But what do you use for an overall picture covering many square km; the tablet I would have to carry would crush me?


t1_jdi7qiv wrote

> Why would you need to print out stuff?

Because of people that still don't know how to use email?

Because of institutions that still require you to send physical letters?

Because you sometimes need to stick a notice on a door or wall for other people to read?

Because you need to print and sign physical copies of some work related documents? (I guess you could use the office printer for this, but I could play the devil's advocate here and say that going to the office instead of working remote is a retro activity in 2023.)

Sure I only need to use the printer maybe once a month (the scanner sees a lot more use). But not having a printer would make life extremely inconvenient where I live.


t1_jdhwp2n wrote

Packing slips for when I sell something on eBay

Printing out non-editable PDF forms that then need to be entered, rescanned and efaxed!


t1_jdjlpr2 wrote

Lots of hobbyists use printers to print out things for their crafts, me included. Currently still use my printer to print out stickers. Also the occasional photograph that I want to hang on my wall.


t1_jdkxumg wrote

I may be unduly worried but if I have written something that I would like to have forever, I print a hard copy. With constant updates of phones and technology in general, how can you be sure that you won’t lose something you want for the future—devices crash, software is constantly updated, things get erased? Seems like insurance to print a hard copy for something you want forever.


t1_jdmhy4g wrote

i put it on multiple cloud storage


t1_jdo06b5 wrote

You think that will forever be available or that there won’t be a possibility of a breakdown in the system or that the operating system will be compatible decades into the future or that anyone will know what is there or how to find it if you died unexpectedly? You have a lot of faith in technology. I am afraid I don’t.


OP t1_jdhbkuy wrote

Digitalization man. Lot of these youngins using online forms to do their homework.


t1_jdhcrye wrote

Right but then why is using it at home "retro" and not just using a printer in general?


t1_jdk22iu wrote

No printing, all online.

I think this has to do with how many documents you have to wet sign...


t1_jdih8c6 wrote

I do everything online. 10 years ago going on a big holiday required a folder of printouts. Now it is all on my smart phone.