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Ultra_82 t1_jddwcif wrote

DS9 has some strong numbers.

Glad to see that it was always my favorite.


hendrixski t1_jdfpqfk wrote

DS9 was my favorite as well.

Though... I'm torn because Picard is better although Picard won't have as many seasons and it doesn't have the multi-season story arc about the dominion war and... It doesn't have Garak! But it is better.


_Face t1_jdeu91p wrote

Hey, join us in the newest Trek sub, r/Star_Trek_! q’Pla!


Jamie_251 t1_jdf2uns wrote

Isn’t this a successor sub to the one that got banned for brigading other subreddits and harassing people? Not sure this is one to join


_Face t1_jdf3vcj wrote

No. It is not. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Jamie_251 t1_jdf4owj wrote

I mean the last one was called r/star_trek, this one is the same but with another underscore added on the end so you can forgive me for being a little sceptical of that claim.


_Face t1_jdf59o5 wrote

The only characters allowed in the creation of subreddits is letters, numbers, and underscore. So the options are pretty limited, only so many ways to say Star Trek.


TriGN614 t1_jdese1c wrote

Ds9 was boring af, especially coming off of TNG


Jamie_251 t1_jdf1zw3 wrote

Really? I feel like DS9 is great as I’m watching it through for the first time. I even enjoyed the first 2 series even though, like TNG, they are not as good as what followed.


TriGN614 t1_jdf26xw wrote

My dads a Trekkie and said that things got better in ds9, but I couldn’t get past the first season


Jamie_251 t1_jdf4z59 wrote

That’s fair enough, but I am really enjoying the latter seasons of DS9. I think it is similar to TNG in that the first 2 seasons were not as good, but once they hit their strides they both became really good.