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JCPRuckus t1_jdeh72x wrote

I watched all of TOS a couple of years ago. The very good and great episodes completely make up for it. But most of the episodes are bad or terrible. And it's amazing how many times you could recycle a plot back when you could only watch a show when it aired once a week. Kirk must have talked a dozen AIs into self destructing by introducing them to the concept of a logical paradox.


LongLastingStick t1_jdenau1 wrote

TOS is more of a great cultural artifact than a "good" TV show.

The movies hold up, at least 2, 3, 4, and 6.


JCPRuckus t1_jdepuap wrote

>TOS is more of a great cultural artifact than a "good" TV show.

I agree. It's value is mostly in the subsequent material it inspired. But, again, the handful or two of truly great episodes really are all-timers that more than redeem the misses... The many, many misses... Lol