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The_Baron___ t1_jccels1 wrote

E3 was the most powerful episode of any series I have ever seen. It was magnificent... I wonder why it's so low rated?


ElderWandOwner t1_jccjqrc wrote

I would guess that some people were rubbed the wrong way by them being openly gay.

I think it's up there with the best epidodes in tv history.


bwaatamelon t1_jcck63a wrote

You should check out Black Mirror’s episode “San Junipero”, it has similar vibes.

And no you don’t need to watch any other episodes, they are all standalones


ElderWandOwner t1_jcckflj wrote

Ive been meaing to watch black mirror. My gf and i were going to start it and i vaguely remember something about fucking pigs or something that caused her to want to stop.


hamsterthings t1_jccl7h0 wrote

It really differs per episode. They are not all gruesome but just all very different. And standalone episodes indeed so you can just choose one you think is interesting.


ElderWandOwner t1_jcclkba wrote

Well she's gone for 5 days so i might just watch it all lol.


PunkRey t1_jccrfw0 wrote

Watch the “San Junipero” episode with somebody you love.


andrewharlan2 t1_jcdkqw1 wrote

It's fantastic but a lot of it is very depressing. Be ready for that. I think >!Metalhead was the only one I actively disliked, and it was only the ending.!<


Ammear t1_jce6lwh wrote

The episode you mentioned in the spoiler is by far my least liked as well. It doesn't fit the series at all. If would probably do well as a Love, Death + Robots episode though.

But for Black Mirror, it was just... boring. Not what I came to the series for. It was like making a Mad Men episode an action sequence - you could, but why would you?


andrewharlan2 t1_jcec1lu wrote

I recall most of the episode being >!fairly thrilling. But I don't buy that a rational, loving parent (caretaker, whatever) would risk their lives over teddy bears. It made no sense to me.!<


adsfew t1_jce0vas wrote

That was only the first episode. I like that episode, but the fanbase generally dislikes it.

It's an anthology series though, so you could just skip that episode if she really finds it objectionable.


Ammear t1_jce66dr wrote

The first episode. It's... a bit out there, and I'd say it doesn't really represent the show all that great. Starting from episode 2, it gets better.

But be aware that there are trigger earnings in just about every episode - violence, sexuality (including abuse), you name it. It's not a pretty show, and the endings oftentimes aren't happy either.

My favourite episodes are probably s02e01 ("Be Right Back"), the Christmas special ("White Christmas"), s03e05 ("Men Against Fire"), and s04e3 ("Crocodile").

Overall, it's a superb series. But if you watch it, you'll never look at a Neuralink or a similar device and think "huh, interesting" instead of "that is a BAD IDEA".


andrewharlan2 t1_jcdk7jy wrote

For me, San Junipero was >!more impactful because of the contrast with the other episodes!<


ack44 t1_jcdxu25 wrote

Both are great. Gay but not preachy or moralizing. Just beautifully portraying humanity.


navortsa t1_jccrbkk wrote

I didn’t have any issue whatsoever with the openly gay aspect in San Junipero I just thought that episode was boring.

Very much enjoyed Episode 3 in Last of Us


lehibu38 t1_jcclkxt wrote

I think that both ends of the spectrum are occuring, that is, people rating it less than it is because the characters are gay, and people rating it higher than it needs to be, because the characters are gay. Was definitely a good episode, but the characters being gay are hindering everyones bias.


ElderWandOwner t1_jcclv2q wrote

Them being gay didn't affect my judgement either way. Seeing someone accept who they are and embrace it certainly helped though.


DrBimboo t1_jcd9nu9 wrote

I still wouldve liked it very much with a hetero couple, but I sure enjoyed it more the way it was. Because Im a sucker for very 'socially hetero acting' (you all know what I mean,dont be pedantic about this) gay characters.

Like Max in Happy Endings.


lehibu38 t1_jccm8d6 wrote

The first thing that is mentioned about this episode by everyone is the fact that they are gay, and while true it is a major part of the episode. I think it is proof that it's the best indicator of peoples takeaway from it.


eileen404 t1_jccr2cf wrote

It's about two people who found something worth living for in each other.... And that is beautiful. It's the romantic relationship version of the same story with the brothers.


lehibu38 t1_jccrmsi wrote

Yes it's a great episode, but for some it hits harder because they are gay and for some it detracts because they are gay. The response would have been no where near as great if Frank was a woman.


mickelboy182 t1_jccmd2c wrote

Yeah nah it was a killer episode, best of the whole season IMO.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jccvo1t wrote

I still preferred episode 8. That scene in the game was memorable as fuck with the >!building burning around her and all. !<


Stuart22 t1_jccpvv8 wrote

Gay ron swanson was definitely a curveball. Great episode


JuRiOh t1_jcci7t7 wrote

I believe because it didn't really advance the plot very much. Most people will have been hooked after the first two episodes to wait an entire week and... nothing really happens.

Don't get me wrong, I think the episode was great, but I also waited until all episodes were out to watch them all at once so it didn't bother me much and I could just enjoy it knowing that there is more but I can see that some people are unhappy with an episode like that who will have to wait another week to see the story advance.


satoshiii-san t1_jcco8de wrote

Not only did it not really advance the plot, but the episode was the longest in the entire season.
I’m not sure why so much time was dedicated to a side story that was not really necessary in terms of the main storyline.


ElvisIsReal t1_jcdysla wrote

Even watching for the first time, I was like.....that was a great episode, but are you really going to spend an hour out of your 10 (actually 9) on a background story for the truck?

Then they immediately wrecked the truck.


Skitts18 t1_jcdl4ki wrote

That's how I felt. Especially since it was so early into the series and right after >!Tess had passed away at the end of episode 2... Just seemed poorly timed. Instead of focusing on Tess passing, they show a blip from characters we've never heard of.!<


Ularsing t1_jcdcygw wrote

Biggots skewing the ratings via self-selection bias


Mcipark t1_jcdulsx wrote

If I had to be a critic it was because it’s one of the only episodes that almost completely separates itself from Joel and Ellie. It’s not relevant to their character development and only adds a tiny bit to their overall story. Additionally no zombies and no real “darkness” that the other episodes have. Episode 7 scored so high because it had everything the viewers wanted imo.


xxthundergodxx77 t1_jccv4sy wrote

It definitely wasn't the most powerful of this season nonetheless any show for me BUT it was a damn good episode that expanded upon a relationship that was glossed over (but hinted at - it wasn't made up for the show) in the game. I enjoyed it. I thought it was def in the upper half of the episodes this season


rvtk t1_jcdo3ns wrote

I didn't like it as much. It was well acted but the writing and dialogue was over the top and too much squeecore'y feel-good romance to my liking - and it has nothing to do with gender, it would've been as cheesy (if not more) with a hetero couple.


Schadrach t1_jccueic wrote

It and the other low rated episode were the ones that got away from the main story of Joel and Ellie, weren't they? I imagine it's one of those cases where "subverting expectations" doesn't work well.


jrm19941994 t1_jcewlet wrote

Episode 3 would have been perfect as a short film.

Personally, I would have rather that episode been spent on more Joel and Ellie, but that's just me.