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ILikeNeurons t1_jedhcaf wrote

Particularly relevant in light of the recent scientific report.

Interestingly, there aren't that many climate deniers anymore, even in the U.S., a hotbed of denial.

Most of us are either alarmed or concerned about climate change, yet most aren't taking the necessary steps to solve the problem -- the most common reason is that no one asked. This is so fixable, and we even know how.


Crash0vrRide t1_jeerbmc wrote

Lift people out of poverty. That will help more then cobalt slaves in the congo


Larcecate t1_jefc17c wrote

Its not the impoverished consuming the most resources.


phdoofus t1_jefkvar wrote

Climate change isn't so much a scientific choice for those idiots, it's a political one. Like not taking Covid vaccines.