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showcase25 t1_jczbkk4 wrote

4th interview. Must be some up there position.


fruitcrumble t1_jczg28g wrote

Beautiful graph! Would you mind sharing how you created it?


johntellsall t1_jczlxc8 wrote

Congrats on your new job!

I'm shocked at the large percentage of responses. In my last job search (senior computer DevOps Engineer), about 90% of applications got no response at all.


killerparrot6 t1_jczrbrt wrote

My 0 yoe search for programming position was like 120 applications, 2 responses and 1 job offer (14 months of applying).. got lucky and had an insider for my current job, should be a little easier going forward with some decent exp.


sankykid OP t1_jd07soc wrote

Thank you! It's a pretty specialized field within financial services, and I only applied to jobs that were a good fit...of which there were about 40 in the entire US over the course of a year.


panthereal t1_jd08qe2 wrote

One year search???

What did you do for the rest of your year since you only applied to a whole 40 jobs


sankykid OP t1_jd0c8f6 wrote

It was a career break. I mostly bicycled, traveled and spent time with family.

Don't underestimate the 40 apps though. Most were custom tailored to the role I was applying for. I also spent a lot of time interviewing and searching for the 40 jobs to apply to.


dbptwg t1_jd45xpk wrote

Not OP, but I've had this conversation with 3 employers. They always understand if you're honest. If it's a red tape deal breaker for them, they'll see it on your resume and won't call you back. Most people will just be jealous you got a long break, even if it wasn't what you needed or wanted.