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123xyz321Z t1_jd3rwbh wrote

We looked the other way when Saudi Arabia took down the world trade centers, killed Kashogi, and had a horrible war with Yemen. We still consider them our ally. I don’t know why people are so confused about China wanting to be Russia’s friend. They have so many resources that they need.


whooguyy t1_jd4jdi4 wrote

The west: put sanctions on russia

Russia: increases trade with countries that didn’t sanction them

The west: shocked pikachu face


godkiller t1_jd50exv wrote

I think the out come of the Ukraine war is that Russia will be come a satellite state for China in much the same way Russia wants the former soviet states to be satellite states for itself.


Get ready for Chinese military assets in western Russia!


godkiller t1_jd5f9bb wrote

Countries join NATO to reduce their chances of being invaded by another country and are free to leave NATO any time they choose.

Putin (and I should specify that I believe its mostly Putin and his idolators, not most of the Russia people) just wants to rebuild an Russia empire so he can be a big boy imperialist like the dictators and tsars that preceded him. He's just a power hungry ego driven man-boy.

If you think about it, the west and Russia really should be allies. They have tons of shared history, similar ethnic and religious diversity. Aside from Russia's history of autocratic and dictatorial governments, the west has more in common with Russia and vice versa than each does with most of the rest of the world.


boganvegan t1_jd5fnsh wrote

Can you clarify exactly what is the commodity? The source link only goes to the OEC homepage.

If we total the $ per quarter in 2022 we get to approximately $600m. If we are talking about 1.2 million standard cargo ship containers then the price per container is only around $500 which would be cheap even for used containers.

Considering that there around 65 million shipping containers on the planet then a single country purchasing 1.2 million new is huge purchase for something which has a lifespan of around 20 years.


NotTheTimbsMan t1_jd5h838 wrote

NATO gives no guarantees to non-members regarding attacks. NATO bombed many countries illegally.

Countries join NATO so they don't get attacked by NATO or to protect their sovereignty (North Macedonia for instance, is now safe from Albanian Extremists/Nationalists who committed terrorist attacks on FYROM soil in hopes of annexing territory.)

The west doesn't want Russia as an ally. They want Russia's resources.

You say Russia has imperialist ambitions. How is USA any better? The only difference is in territorial claims. USA colonizes countries through regime changes. Is China imperialistic too? Why is USA breathing down China's neck?

There are too many fallacies in NATO supporter beliefs.


godkiller t1_jd5jacr wrote

>The only difference is territorial clams.

A rather significant difference.

The USA regards Russia and China as threats to the freedoms and liberties of a free society. Neither country has any legitimate free press, protections of individual rights, or a system of government that affords its citizens a say in the actions of their governments. That is why Russia and China are dangerous - they are dangerous to the average persons rights and freedoms.

If Russia and China country a free and open society with protections of individual freedoms and representative governments, we would not be having this conversation.


godkiller t1_jd7wdhw wrote

Sorry, you lost this argument and can't waive away the truth by calling them "poor excuses".

The USA and the west haven't always lived up to their own ideals, without a doubt. But we are pretty darn open about our mistakes and bad choices and, ultimately, our ideals are the right ones. Your wrong about what we care about - we definitely care about the freedoms of others because you must fight for freedom for all or you will eventually lose your own freedoms. And of course, without freedom you are someone else's slave at some level.

Maybe start questioning the state propaganda that your clearly been taking to heart. You're on reddit so you must have some access to the wider internet.

...or maybe you are a state sponsored troll yourself. Who knows.