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Autobot_ATrac t1_jdptapx wrote

Damn… the data is beautiful crowd sure do have strong ideas of what is acceptable beauty.

Thanks for the work on this. Yeah, I’m sure there were other ways to present it, but I learned a lot. What a crazy winter they’ve had. Gave at least a pause to the gnarly drought.

Thanks for sharing!


shescarkedit t1_jdq1940 wrote

From the sidebar: "DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information"

This plot doesnt do that, even though it might look cool.


Autobot_ATrac t1_jdtodkn wrote

Damn… the upvote and downvote ratings say a lot about this sub.


Autobot_ATrac t1_jdu7kno wrote

A handful of you really took this comment personally. Note that most of it is me complimenting the creator. And the first part isn’t some hard insult to you, it’s just an observation.

Weird ass subreddit.