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SkyrimWithdrawal t1_iugfq0f wrote

>They have invaded and killed way more people than any other nation in the world?

Cite source. Pretty sure the UK, Spanish, Germans, and Japanese would have a word.


>They wage economic war against the Global South?

Whoa. They provide more humanitarian aid to the "Global South" than any other nation on the planet.


No-Swimmers1622 t1_iugpnfi wrote

>Cite source. Pretty sure the UK, Spanish, Germans, and Japanese would have a word.

Yeah pretty sure the Romans and the Egyptian Pharaohs would like a word too. We are talking about the last 70 years, no other nation has even come close to the level of destruction the US has brought to the world, you were also the only nation in history to use nuclear weapons against civilians.

>Whoa. They provide more humanitarian aid to the "Global South" than any other nation on the planet.

You take multiple times that more with your private companies and puppet regimes, you try to topple down any government that dares to cross you or you use your international influence to blockade them economically


SkyrimWithdrawal t1_iuhujm9 wrote

>We are talking about the last 70 years

Where was that stated before now? Why 70 years? Why not 2?

>You take multiple times that more with your private companies and puppet regimes, you try to topple down any government that dares to cross you or you use your international influence to blockade them economically

Ah. You don't know anything and any source you find contradicts you. Got it.


No-Swimmers1622 t1_iuizpf5 wrote

>Where was that stated before now? Why 70 years? Why not 2?

Because no one that's alive today was alive during WWI or the XIX century.

Because it doesn't make sense to bring up an old historical facts to pretend your nation isn't the most criminal of the last century.

>Ah. You don't know anything and any source you find contradicts you. Got it.

Yeah, you have zero arguments to counter what I said. Your people only know violence.


SkyrimWithdrawal t1_iuj610y wrote

>Because it doesn't make sense to bring up an old historical facts to pretend your nation isn't the most criminal of the last century.

That doesn't answer why are things from 30 years ago or 15 years ago or 5 years ago still relevant? Where's your cut-off? It seems very arbitrary.

>Yeah, you have zero arguments to counter what I said. Your people only know violence.



No-Swimmers1622 t1_iujr9q7 wrote

>>Because it doesn't make sense to bring up an old historical facts to pretend your nation isn't the most criminal of the last century. > >That doesn't answer why are things from 30 years ago or 15 years ago or 5 years ago still relevant? Where's your cut-off? It seems very arbitrary.

Arbitrary is to bring up old historical empires that don't exist anymore from other centuries. We are talking about the nation that has military bases all over the world and is to blame for the poverty in the Global South, we are talking about the ones that have the biggest spy network to steal industry secrets to keep their edge over the rest of the world, you guys kill people without accountability just because it fits your agenda

Your companies are always bribing the puppet regimes you install to get better deals than the local ones, to keep the custom duties low so you can dump your crappy products and kill their industries. You enforce your draconian copyright rules (which patents have been created using drained brains from the rest of the world) to kill any possibility of independent development.


SkyrimWithdrawal t1_iuk62n8 wrote

>Arbitrary is to bring up old historical empires that don't exist anymore from other centuries.

This was where the whole argument of privilege, structural biases and wealth imbalance comes from: the colonialism and slave trade of past centuries explaining the continued disparities of today.

>We are talking about the nation that has military bases all over the world

At the invitation of those countries. Tiawan is scared shitless of China. Same with Japan. Look at Nato and their Russian adversary. We leave Afghanistan and get shit on for trying to help girls go to school and fight for equal rights. If you want to condemn us for sticking up for them, Fuck you. If you want to condemn us for hunting down terrorist organizations, like Al Qaeda and ISIS, Fuck you. The world is a tough place and I'm certain that if it weren't for the US, you and I would be in a trench, right now.

>Your companies are always bribing the puppet regimes you install to get better deals than the local ones

Your companies suck and your governments suck. Get involved if you want something better than Fanta. If whining on Reddit works for you, your nation will go nowhere.

>You enforce your draconian copyright rules (which patents have been created using drained brains from the rest of the world) to kill any possibility of independent development.

This is about copyright? Your big beef is over copyright? Ahahaha! Who's music did you rip-off and try to pass as your own?