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t1_ireq5sd wrote

So maybe America isn't such a terrible place for non-white people after all?


OP t1_ireqlgy wrote

From 2010 to 2020, the GDP of US Latinos grew 65%. If they were their own country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world. Latinos thriving in the US are a perfect example of how any race or culture can succeed under the right conditions.

While Latinos do have fantastic work ethics and productivity, the truth is that population growth rate also explains a lot. The Latino population grew +22% in that same 10-year period and reached 62M, compared to +4% for Non-Latinos. Almost one in five Americans are now Latino or Hispanic.

Still, here are a few other metrics that do point to Latinos being a force for development in the past decade:

  • Labor force: They represented 80% of additions to the labor force
  • Education: 2.8x faster growth in higher education graduates than Non-Latinos
  • Entrepreneurship: They accounted for 52% of all new employer businesses in the past decade.
  • Startups like Guatemalan-founded Duolingo and Brazilian-founded Brex have been now valued at several billions.

Still, there is work to be done. Latinos occupy only 4% of executive roles and less than 2% of US elected officials.

For more data visualizations about Latin America, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Source: Latino Donor Collaborative's 2022 Report
Tools: Affinity Designer, Sheets, Rawgraphs


t1_irerup9 wrote

One of America's biggest problems aside from exploitation of workers and resources is white people who think other races existing is harmful to them. What this really illustrates is how immigration benefits the US and exposes the myth that immigrants are freeloaders and criminals who come looking for handouts. Fox News is bad for your brain.


t1_ireryg4 wrote

Just a question for statistics purpose; Is this counting legal or both illegal and legal immigrants?

Also I’m curious as what’s meant by “still there’s work to be done”


t1_iretstd wrote

I'm pretty sure that from was for signing up to a GP or passport, heritage is important for them. Most aren't that detailed though and we definitely don't refer John down the pub as African British or even black British. John is just British and happens to be black.


t1_irev7eb wrote

…and having lots of babies because Catholicism says birth control is bad. Those babies are US citizens. Two parents, 3 babies. Back that up to 50 years ago and you’re talking grand babies and great grand babies.

Edit to clarify intent: am 4th gen US born hispanic, great-great grandparents arrived in 1898, great-grandpa born in US in 1902. So on and so forth.


t1_irevn2b wrote

OP does literally nothing all day but generate strangely cherry picked data to claim that American Latinos are great as separate from any other cultural group in America, including Americans.

Even saying the data is cherry picked isn't quite accurate. It's sponsored data generated by a community, of which OP is an active member, with direct personal interest in creating skewed data without a strong basis in statistical analysis.

This is not to say that Latinos and Americans with Latino heritage don't constitute a significant part of the American economy, but that the tools OP and his cohort use to isolate them from the remainder of the data and make claims like this are inherently flawed and border on the socially problematic.


t1_irevt8u wrote

If you think there is a statistically significant number of white people in America who think other races existing is harmful to them, you might want to reevaluate how good your own news sources are for your brain.


t1_irewn6f wrote

Make America great again. Build the wall. Secure borders. It all means the same thing. That's why so many of these guys fly swastikas and confederate flags next to their bastardized American flags. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are two famous racists who are insanely popular with white lower-to-middle class blue collar workers with no college education because they constantly spew nonsense about immigration and the harm it causes white culture. Because, you know, the US is full of racist assholes.


t1_irey2v0 wrote

You mean the people who love breitbart, Newsmax, one America news, fox, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and all the other bigots you're saying don't exist? I'd tell you to touch some grass but I don't have the patience for the semantic argument necessary to explain to you what grass is.


t1_ireybdb wrote

It's how the elites divide and conquer the working class in the United States. The complete obsession with race and ethnicity overwhelms everything. The media make big money focusing on and inflaming racial animus, especially Fox. White working class people care more about demographic shifts than the fact wages have stagnated and housing is unaffordable.


t1_irez8z0 wrote

I'm just saying literally get outside and talk to some white people. Literally everyone you just mentioned, and everyone you personally watch, create their content for one purpose. To make you want to watch their content more. People on the street literally anywhere in the country aren't like Ben Shapiro. You don't have to take my word for it. Grow some balls and find out what white people in America are really like. Ask some white people how they feel about other races existing and catch the sound bytes while you're at it and then report back.


t1_irezay5 wrote

A racist dogwhistle. Half of all "illegal" immigrants came here legally and very few of them commit any violent crime or theft. the only people ever accused of illegal immigration are Latino and it doesn't matter any more how they got here to the person screeching "ILLEGALS" than it does to the people welcoming them. People are people, end of story. The grossly inflated concern of illegal immigration is nonsense used to manipulate, you guessed it, racists.


t1_irf176t wrote

What you might see as segregation a business or brand might see as understanding the wealth and purchasing power of specific demographics for targeting purposes. Its why when you search "Black Pound" on Google you'll find plenty of articles discussing the monetary opportunity of black British and other ethnic minority consumers.


t1_irf1paa wrote

Segmentation studies are designed to bucket consumers into their purchasing strength and opportunity. Often demographics are taken into account. This isn't a uniquely US phenomenon. It's a globally capitalist one.


OP t1_irf27lf wrote

Our mission is to display what's positive about Latin America, Latinos, and Latinas. Nobody pays us to do this. We're simply two Mexicans that want to see our region succeed, as I imagine you want to see yours.

You can call "finding metrics that speak to the potential of Latin America" cherry-picking if you'd like, but what we're posting is not made-up data.

FYI: We also post about things that we want to improve.


t1_irf8yel wrote

Carlson has about 3 million viewers, less then 1% of the US population, there are assholes out there but its not the prevalent. MAGA for most people was, invest in my rural area and not in the metro areas, give me some love. Also most voters are team voters and rarely switch the fact Trump lost so many GOP voters is the real lesson, people rejected his crap even though he was team Red.


t1_irft5ek wrote

The quotas for legal immigration from our neighbors to the south are stupidly low considering they come here anyway. It should be a million a year from Mexico and at least 100,000 a year from each Central American country. Then you would have less illegal immigration.


t1_irfuagl wrote

They preserve the world of the 1950s. Conservatives dislike change. They have a need for security, for definitions that don’t change, things they can believe in, and the rule of gut feelings over logical progression. Meanwhile we city people have sped forward with our revaluation of all values.


t1_irgtpi0 wrote

One post this week is that Latinos in the US are not thriving. This post says they are thriving.

A lovely example in the ways data can be represented to tell whatever story you want. There needs to be stricter rules about documenting methodology in this sub.


t1_irgxdnd wrote

Really? 74,222,958 voted for Donald Trump. At guess about half of them, maybe slightly less, might think that other races are harmful to their existence. No need to “go out and meet white people” to confirm that. No thanks.


t1_irhkr78 wrote

We (Latinos/Hispanics/Lusophones) in the US are Americans. Much like most of us, we are aware of Latin America but that is not our home, it never was. Even though I'm currently living in Phuket, Thailand. Home for me is also, Northern California.

FYI. I'm thrid generation American who is also a polyglot. I don't see myself as a Lusophone/Latino, I see myself as a human being, a world citizen, who has the ability to live anywhere I desire.

This graph is very pompous and pretentious.


t1_irimlk5 wrote

(insert assumption about all trump voters being white) "at guess, about, maybe, might" yes no need to confirm anything with your bomb ass guesswork about what makes a broad demographic within half of our two party system tick.


t1_irk8nku wrote

There’s a government categorization by ethnicity used by the us government agencies which usually consists of white (mostly European), African American, Native American and Hispanics. You can be a latino even if your grandparents came from Mexico half century ago


t1_irkbtm1 wrote

Taking a look on his profile it doesn’t seems like it, he barely make posts about US latinos.

As a Latin American, this post just seems to show how far behind economically we are compared to the people who emigrated to the US. Which makes perfect sense, since that the reason why they emigrated to begin with.

I think Americans are seem this way too much through the current political lens, which is extremely polarized between classes and ethnic groups.


t1_irkczjf wrote

Eh, I’m Brazilian and it feels like the Americans here are taking this way too much through their own point of view. Which right now is of and polarized country divided by race and class issues.

The biggest thing I take from this graph is how far behind the average Latin American is from people who emigrated to the US, not that it’s trying to preach about Latino superiority or cultivate divide; most of your post don’t even have anything to do with the Latino population on the US.

Keep up the good work, it’s fun and informative, if this sub don’t appreciate the Latin American communities here on Reddit surely will.


t1_irlrpxn wrote

Why are u guys so obsessed with race ? Also, who classifies as a Latino in your metric ?


t1_irmrude wrote

So you are officially racist, not a shock to anyone with a bit of self determination . USA laws do not rule the entire American continent, this term was conjured in the US, this was never a convention between countries of South America and Central America. You might think that the USA’s influence is omnipotent, but it is not.


t1_irns478 wrote

Idk how much this tells about American Latinos actually. That just means that the economy in the US is very large, which stems from a lot of things not related to “race/ethnicity”, including a high level of industrialization, access to technology and top universities, the priviledged position that the US dollar & English language have (which majority US latinos speak, contrary to majority of Latin Americans), the politico-military hegemony (or near hegemony) that the US has in the world, etc etc.


t1_irq0t60 wrote

The thing about "Latinos" in the US is that, similarly with all ethnic groups, after a few generations everyone is a hodgepodge.

Black people, you got staying power. I don't really understand that.

Latino after 3 generations is usually generic white in the US


t1_is3gnvl wrote

Yeah, well white people killed a lot of the natives and interred with those that remained. Mexicans are mixed white/native (mestizo). However the US census doesn't consider mestizo a separate race which is pretty stuoid since Hispanicsare tge largest US minority. I did mispeak though. In the 2010 census a majority of Hispanics did identify as white, but now with the 2020 census that has switched to "mix race". People are allowed to identify as whatever race they want so shifting politics and social norms can change racial identity even when there's no actual change in genetic makeup.

Long story short: the US needs to recognize the existence of races other than just white, black and Asian. Or just dump race altogether, but good luck with that.


t1_is3lywe wrote

I know this is an old post, but in case anyone is still browsing it I'd just like to point out that Tucker Carlson is the most watched news journalist on TV. Sean Hannity is the second most watched journalist (or very close), and he's also insanely racist. The whole Fox network is huge on pushing the Great Replacement conspiracy theory which says that immigrants (legal or not) are replacing white people. How anyone can say these racists views are not prevalent in the US is mind blowing.

Tucker isn't some obscure person, he's very popular where I'm from. Conservatives complain about "the evil Mainstream Media™" but don't even realize that their favorite hosts literally are the mainstream media (Fox is the most watched news network in the US)