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londoncatvet t1_iu49rrg wrote


Yossarian216 t1_iu4bub9 wrote

I’m someone who thinks capitalism needs to be regulated and restrained in order to keep it from destroying the world, and we are failing miserably at this task. The banks that created the financial crisis in 2008 but were “too big to fail” are all even bigger now. Big companies control far too much already and are getting bigger all the time. How many people can live and work in our current society without being a customer of Apple or Google or Microsoft? That growth mentality, it infects everything we are currently doing. It’s why oil companies are price gouging us to raise their profits, which are then being used on stock buybacks to bump the stock price. It’s toxic, and it hurts and kills people, and it’s the primary driver behind climate change, which will eventually destroy human society.

So no, not really a capitalist.


TonyTheEvil t1_iu4j6ik wrote

Most people aren't, given hardly anyone actually owns any means of production


insightful_pancake t1_iu4kmmv wrote

> Most people aren’t given hardly anyone actually owns any means of production

This reads like you just had a stroke. Not trying to offend, I just have no idea what you are trying to convey.