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MyAnswerIsMaybe t1_iu2obdv wrote

White people are being oppressed just as much so its okay its they are doing it to Asians

Race should play 0 factor in college admissions


[deleted] t1_iu2umy3 wrote



MyAnswerIsMaybe t1_iu2vke8 wrote

Race can't play a factor for the simple fact a kid can't change it.

We have had this discussion time and time again, but at the end of the day everybody should be treated equally regardless of sex, race and any other factors not related to the content of their character.

Schools should be able to decide who to except off of GPA, SAT, essay, whatever they want but race shouldn't play a factor in it. Period.


NHFI t1_iu361k9 wrote

Race isn't playing a factor, test scores are, for schools like this high test scores get you an interview. The schools value a good story, be that hard work, overcoming adversity etc, every single person you see in this graph scored amazing on tests every single one earned a spot at these schools but there isn't enough spots. interviews said this breakdown deserved a spot. plain and simple.


KeaganItReal t1_iu2vtf6 wrote

I thank all of our lucky stars that there are smart people out there in positions of power who disagree with you


Qastodon t1_iu304th wrote

Instead of making admission easier for urms, maybe we should actually change the fucking circumstances that make it difficult for them to go to school.

And there are underpriveleged people who aren’t urms? Or urms who are rich.