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themodefanatic t1_isrvwn8 wrote

My wife said when she was younger that they used to live near a golf course. And they constantly had a window that would be broke from a stray golf ball. But she also said that everyday there was hundreds of golf balls in the back yard so she would go gather them up and sell them back to the golf course to make a little bit of extra money.


Pirate_Green_Beard t1_istvsq8 wrote

Did the golf course pay for the windows? Or were the collected balls enough to cover them?


Inigomntoya OP t1_isw439b wrote

Someone who buys a house on a golf course assumes most of the risk here.

The golf course is not responsible for broken windows. Unless the house was built before the course - in which case the golf course assumes liability for errant golf balls. Because the homeowner didn't buy the house expecting to see golf balls fly anywhere near their home.

Golfers are never legally responsible for damage, as long as they are playing normally and don't intentionally aim at someone's window.

But, a decent human being should still fess up to any damage they've caused and at the very least apologize.


themodefanatic t1_isu5zf7 wrote

I’m not exactly sure. I don’t remember them explaining that. And I never asked. But maybe I will.