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Lost-Currency9670 t1_it459a5 wrote

I can’t think of a single good reason to let someone who can’t speak English vote in this country, that’s totally absurd.


KingfisherDays t1_it467cr wrote

What about the fact that there have been Spanish speaking communities in places like Texas, California, and Florida before there were English ones? What about people who speak English but whose understanding of what they are voting for would benefit by having it in their native language? What about native Americans?


Lost-Currency9670 t1_it46pkw wrote

Reservations are already exempt from certain federal laws, so they could be an exception. However I doubt there are any more than a couple hundred people who are born in the US who can’t speak any English or have basic literacy who aren’t physically or mentally able to speak English. Russian was my first language and I speak both languages fluently and without an “accent” and I’m no savant.


Longjumping-End-3017 t1_it48v79 wrote

>I can’t think of a single good reason to let someone who can’t speak English vote in this country, that’s totally absurd.

"People that can't speak English don't have the capacity to understand Elections and US events and therefore don't deserve representation in the country they live in"

That's what you sound like. This idea is so simple minded. You can't think of one good reason? You realize there are news providers in other languages so people that don't speak English can keep up on on American events and politics right?

You realize the language one speaks has zero correlation to intelligence levels and decision-making ability right?

"nO EnGlIsH nO vOtE" 🤡🤡🤡🤡

What a dense take.


Lost-Currency9670 t1_it495vx wrote

Listen buddy I don’t even think women should be allowed to vote so go cry to somebody else


johndburger t1_it51oiw wrote

Thanks for making it easy to discount every opinion you express.


Mushroom_Tip t1_it5myly wrote

Lol. It sounds like you're the one here crying salty incel tears not them.


moose2332 t1_it4ngwg wrote

Aw poor baby can't feel like a big boy when woman are near him. Look out behind you someone has salsa in their fridge.