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tezzmosis t1_iu4dhqz wrote

Reply to comment by Kragkin in [OC] Worship vs Fertility by dbabbitt

No. This is birthrate, not a measurement of actual fertility.

Yes, religions are the exact same formula as cults, just some rituals and chanting are more socially acceptable.

Hardcore Jews have the blood sucked from baby penises by a Rabbi after circumcision. That sounds like a deranged cult practice to me...

Please explain how these kinds of devout zealots are any different that cultists?


Kragkin t1_iu4du9e wrote

You're taking an extreme cultish practice to prove that regular religious attendance is, wholesale, indicative of cultism? And y'all accuse us of circular reasoning..

How do you measure fertility rate then? What is fertility rate?


tezzmosis t1_iu4etko wrote

Devoutly religious in any religion are no different than cult members in their abiding of such archaic and barbaric practices.

If you support the blood being sucked from a baby's freshly circumcised penis...

If you support the marriage between minors and grown men...

If you support the outlaw of divorce and contraceptives...

You might be devoutly religious in one of the modern day religions accepted my many and strictly followed by most of their members....


Kragkin t1_iu4h8l0 wrote

This could be said about many political ideologies. Is holding a political ideology inherently extremist now?


tezzmosis t1_iu4hkg7 wrote

The more devout, the more cult level of obedience you have, and more likelihood to submit to archaic religious practices, like allowing an old man to suck the blood from a freshly circumcised baby penis...

Sounds like some deranged blood cult to me. If you told me it was Jewish, I'd say you were insane...but that's reality and it's still being practiced by extremely devout Jewish people today.

As for politics, they're all driven by greed, and they're all bought, traded and sold by corporate entities... democracy is an illusion.


Kragkin t1_iu4j93p wrote

I agree with you on politics. But why do you keep mentioning devout Jewish practices like I haven't understood that? You're pushing this one extreme example to claim religious belief is inherently cultish. You're unfairly extrapolating thr extreme to the common.


tezzmosis t1_iu4llfn wrote

The graph implies the more religiously devout, and the more you worship whatever you've chose to devout your life to, the more "fertile". Graph is mis-labeled and should say birthrate. Can't really assess a woman's fertility without taking samples.

Some of these religions probably wouldn't even allow for that kind of invasion for testing, especially the most devout and trusting of what they've been indoctrinated to believe.


Kragkin t1_iu4mt2h wrote

Fertility rate is widely understood as children/woman, no?