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Tmaster95 t1_iu9s7u1 wrote

Color is nothing you can take an average from. At least not from a statistical viewpoint.


Khaylain t1_iua1684 wrote

Well, you could probably take the wavelength and times that with the area fraction of the flag, find the specific average you want (arithmetic mean, median, mode) and then turn the wavelength calculated back into the corresponding visible colour.


Tmaster95 t1_iuad07f wrote

Yes, but that has no statistical relevancy and doesn’t say anything important about the flag or the country


PaperReadingGuy t1_iuc5w7h wrote

What are artists doing with their palettes when they mix colors if not averaging taking averages from them?


Tmaster95 t1_iuck0xq wrote

I specified my statement in my second sentence.


exculcator t1_iugopzb wrote

Why does it have to say anything "important". The reddit is data is beautiful, not data is important! (Not that this particular example is beautiful, mind you).