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t1_itgqtgf wrote

You want bars not lines for your video count. The halfway point between two channels means nothing.


t1_ithh4hz wrote

This was my first though as well. Also: why not use the full resolution of the timeline (when you have the exact date) instead of pointing to integer years?


t1_ith7qgi wrote

This is also a list of 10 youtube channels that I don't watch.


t1_iti2sop wrote

Never ceases to amaze me that the the top 5 YouTubers get paid tens of millions each year yet I know absolutely no one IRL that is a subscriber or watches their channels.


t1_itj7gb6 wrote

its babies/toddlers/children who have ipads plopped in front of them as a means of "entertainment"


t1_itjfgf5 wrote

As a parent I would say that Cocomelon is tolerable if your kid is really young, but the rest of the kids channels here are garbage. Though like anything, moderation is key. A few cocomelons now and then is fine imo, but there's no excuse for those parents with like smartphone attachments for their strollers. And I do try my best to not judge other parents.


t1_itkq6xv wrote

It depends on your age and which country you live in. If you are <25, you have definitely seen at least one Mr Beast and/or Pewdiepie video.


t1_ithn8g1 wrote

A list of 10 channels I have actually never heard about


t1_ithqniq wrote

I had figured everyone has heard of WWE. I mean, not knowing about WWE is like not knowing the NHL exists.


t1_ithvq58 wrote

Keep in mind not everyone is American.

I know the WWE, and I have heard of the NHL. But I'm pretty sure if I would and ask people in the streets in my city here in Germany what WWE and NFL are, most people would have no idea. Especially because the NFL is less known than other American sport leagues here. Many people have probably heard of the NBA (to a large extent due to Dirk Nowitzki), and some of the NFL (due to American Football gaining popularity here). Hockey isn't popular here, so the NHL os less known. Also, "hockey" refers to field hockey in Germany. The sport of the NHL is called "ice hockey" here, so people probably wouldn't even make the "H stands for hockey" connection.


t1_iti4pk7 wrote

Willing to bet more people would know WWE over NHL in Germany in any non-North American country.


t1_itizgpx wrote

> not knowing about WWE is like not knowing the NHL exists

So... completely understandable for the majority of the world's population?


t1_itk9pwj wrote

Right, but a substantial part of that rest of the world's population would know T-series or one of the other channels up there. It's a pretty broad spectrum. Very surprised someone knows none of them


t1_itp480k wrote

I.... don't know what WWE is. And I think NFL is American football? Care to enlighten me?


t1_itsnssf wrote

It's wrestling. Like the staged wrestling thing, not like real competitive wrestling. For Americans at least, I'd have expected most people to at least seen a commercial...or a movie with The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), John Cena, Dave Bautista, Jesse Ventura....there's a fairly decent chance that if a movie has a big muscly man in it, he's a WWE star.

NHL is the National Hockey League (NFL is American football, correct). I said that because I figured a good healthy chunk of Europeans would know about it as well because like half the league is European players.


t1_ittoiaq wrote

Ah then I know of WWE. And I know The Rock, it's just that I didn't know he did wrestling, I only ever saw him in movies. And around here we think of field hockey when someone says hockey. But we do have ice hockey too! I guess it's just not that popular here.


t1_ithp2e6 wrote

This data is not beautiful, and it has to do with your choice of graphs


t1_ith4u4j wrote

Daily YouTube user, fairly online person. I’ve never heard of any of these things except the WWE and I’ve seen PewDiePie’s name in headlines, but I’ve never seen a second of what they do.

I’m not saying this to brag. Rather that our media choices are so infinitely broad right now, the top viewed things in the world can still be virtually unknown to a mainstream user.


t1_ithas62 wrote

I’m with you, I’ve never heard of 8 of those. I know PewDiePie’s name, and as a WWE fan I know them, but the rest? Nope.

Surprised WWE has that much reach, but I think they get enormous numbers from India.


t1_ithi6xw wrote

Another thing to think about is these figures are worldwide. It doesn’t represent the mainstream of every country. For example t series is an Indian company and is unknown everywhere else.


t1_itif1na wrote

But you've never heard of mr beast or pewdiepie??? Cmon me boi. Stop cappin


t1_ith8mpc wrote

It took me entirely too long to figure out which was subscriber count and which was number of videos.


t1_ithckpi wrote

You thought t series put out 200+ million videos?


t1_itho2z4 wrote

I don’t even know who they are. I didn’t analyze it that deeply. I was hoping for an easy to read legend where one icon is a bar and the other is a line. But they’re both bars and the colors are similar.


t1_ithsww7 wrote

A line graph is not appropriate for displaying number of views by channel. Line graphs show change over time. There is no temporal element to the visualization to warrant using a line graph to connect the data points in this manner.


t1_itl43jq wrote

Another option is a scatter plot with subscribers on Y axis and content on x axis to show subscribers per video for the top channels. Although that might be less interesting than something like subscribers vs views over time per video over time.


t1_itgw6fh wrote

Even though SET India has a lot of subscribers, no of views per videos is very less.


t1_itj9rth wrote

Set India is literally just a TV channel in India that started uploading all it's soaps and shows on YouTube. They are slowly removing them and moving it to their own app. It's like NBC uploading all content they own on YouTube.


t1_ithqlip wrote

All this type of kids show must be banned from YouTube, they all just kids parasites.


t1_ithyjsl wrote

Glad to see my favorite channel Tseries tops the ranking.


t1_itilvy1 wrote

Amazing. Basically I spend all day on youtube every day, and I've heard of some of these, but never watched a video of a single one.


t1_itgzh5x wrote

Really shows the difference getting there early makes.


t1_ititfxg wrote

I think cocomelon is the only one I've ever looked at. I have a young kid.


t1_itjfyr4 wrote

the algorithm will try to get your kid to watch the others, but many of them don't even pretend to be educational.


t1_iti33ew wrote

For the number 1 subscribed i havent heard people mention t series for like 2 years… i swear something weird is going on there


t1_itj9xew wrote

Nothing weird is going on there. Maybe just realize there are a billion Indians who listen to songs produced by tseries and just because you don't know about it doesn't mean something weird is going on there.


t1_ithphxt wrote

T-Series: Has always been super sus. Over 220m subscribers but their view count is really low.

Cocomelon: Has to really suck to have that many subscribers and views but your channel is labelled for kids so that must kill any ad-revenue.

Set India: Strange channel? They seem to upload full "TV" content but for free? Is production costs in India really so low that it works?


t1_itib1ji wrote

Set India doesn't upload full episodes of ongoing popular shows, they are mostly old shows or first few episodes of shows with hundreds of episodes, most of their content is available to stream on their streaming service SonyLiv


t1_itikfoo wrote

What? T series is the most viewed YouTube channel with 201 billion views…


t1_itj0xii wrote

They have a lot of videos. Per video though they don't get a whole lot. Within the last 24 hours they have uploaded around six videos.


t1_itja3y1 wrote

Yes because they own a huge catalog of songs starting 80s Bollywood, they are literally a music label like Sony music and the ilk. They have tons of artists on their payroll and own a ton of copyrights. Not all songs are going to be bangers. You guys just need to accept there are other countries in the world. God.


t1_ititmt4 wrote

Cocomelon is on Netflix too so they are probably doing pretty well