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droneman97 t1_iulz1jr wrote

Damn It has never ocurr to me that I didnt hear a single time about a male death on those protests. All he news were about X girl killed by the gov. I completely forgot about the man


cannondave t1_ium85oh wrote

A woman death causes more contempt as their lives are generally considered to be more protected, as helpless or innocent victims. The reason why you heard about them is because whomever telling you, wants you to get as angry and contemptful as possible, against the regime (rightfully so I suppose). In this day and age, we have to be more aware of propaganda on all sides.


imnitwit OP t1_iukn9ow wrote

Source: Herana data available at:

tools used: python, matplotlib, pandas

the process was that I copied the information available on the website, saved it as a .txt file, did some text modification, created a csv thenn a dataframe and then plotting.


imnitwit OP t1_iukytzn wrote

and I can't stay silent about this so I write it here. it's not a women's movement. it's not women-led, it's not a women's rights movement, it's not about equality. it started because of that. Mahsa Amini was the trigger, a flame that ignited that path for all of us. not first of its kind and not its last(sadly). it's a fight for freedom. it's not a fight for democracy or equality or any of your first-world 21st century jargon. it's a crowd being fed up and naturally revolting. of 198 death cases, less than 15 are women. while making this image, I feel shamed that I knew none of the guys, I never heard their names (except for one who was my actual in-real-life acquaintant) I felt shamed but blamed media. support our fights, be our voice but do not categorize it. it's very pure, natural and raw, too beautiful to be taken with sides and groups and parties. it's simply people, against tyranny.


rammo123 t1_iul3usz wrote

I don't know why the media is so hellbent on downplaying the role of men in these protests. It's a powerful image to show men and women protesting together for human rights.


draypresct t1_iumcl7u wrote

>I don't know why the media is so hellbent on downplaying the role of men in these protests.

They're not. They're showing the protests as being led by students; i.e., young men and women. They're depicting the protests as motivated (in large part) by the disproportionate oppression of women.


lasershurt t1_iumd113 wrote

Indeed; this is a very strange comment section.

I read about the people dying; the "men" dying, yes. It was in the news.

I think people are confusing "the media isn't covering it" with "I personally haven't read the news at all."


Blackwater-zombie t1_ium9slp wrote

Because men are expected to put themselves in the line of danger throughout history and across cultures.


Smarterthanlastweek t1_iumjwai wrote

What right exactly? To show hair? Why is having to cover one part of the body so important when we already have to cover so many other parts?


Eye61penny t1_iul53yj wrote

Men are a afterthought of society.


GenitalFurbies t1_iulj9pv wrote

I think I get what you're going for here but that's objectively not true in so, so many ways. If you said media instead of society you might have more agreement as men are the "default" in a lot of things and especially in armed conflicts, but that men are an afterthought? Come on, that's absurd.

Edit: said as a white man in the US

Meant that highlighting women in a conflict tends to garner more media buzz because men are the default.


RyukHunter t1_iuljvd7 wrote

>Meant that highlighting women in a conflict tends to garner more media buzz because men are the default.

That's kinda what it means to be an afterthought? People think you don't matter cuz it happens to your kind anyways. People have this expectation that men will be causalities in an armed conflict. So yes... An afterthought.


GenitalFurbies t1_iulkchb wrote

Default != Afterthought. Default is what is assumed, afterthought is what is forgotten. I stand by the media bias of highlighting women because it generates clicks


RyukHunter t1_iulknjb wrote

>Default != Afterthought. Default is what is assumed,

It is the same here tho. Cuz assumptions lead to forgetting. You think something is the default and hence nit do anything about it. When they are the ones that need help. That's called making them an afterthought.

>I stand by the media bias of highlighting women because it generates clicks

And you don't think that's messed up? Don't you think it needs to change so that the men can be seen too?


GenitalFurbies t1_iulmd3a wrote

So first, phrasing: what I meant was that I stand by that the media highlighting women does generate more clicks, which does generate more support. I am ok with this.

Everyone is forgotten in time unless they're a martyr, like it or not. One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. I hate that it's accurate but it is. Highlighting the women in this fight is the most effective way to garner international support. It's not about the individual sacrifices of those people, it's about what other governments can justify doing to help without jeopardizing their other endeavors. It's all a game, and we're all pawns.

I'd also add that Memorial Day started in 1868 well before women were in the military.

This isn't a sexist issue. It's a humanist issue. Stop trying to make it anything else.


RyukHunter t1_iulokmo wrote

>So first, phrasing: what I meant was that I stand by that the media highlighting women does generate more clicks, which does generate more support. I am ok with this.

And men fall in the blindspot of that. Because the solutions will be made with women and children in mind only. You can't solve something you don't pay attention to. It might work here and there but more nuanced problems won't be solved.

While I agree that garnering support is good... It's of no use to certain groups if it doesn't go to everyone who needs it. Strategy wise what you say is sound but if you want to help men as well, it doesn't work. Cuz it will mostly be seen as a women's issue.

>I'd also add that Memorial Day started in 1868 well before women were in the military.

Yeah and? It came out of some kind of patriotism... To honor military service. Not men. Recognise the reasons. They are important (And I'd say the current form of celebrating such things has an negative effect as well. Promoting the expectation that people, mainly men, have to make that sacrifice in such circumstances). Positive (Making a sacrifice for your country) and negative (Being a causalty in a war or killed by your government for protesting) reasons make a lot of difference.

>This isn't a sexist issue. It's a humanist issue. Stop trying to make it anything else.

It is a lot more than a human issue. Not highlighting men won't solve their problems. And will cause more problems down the line. That's how it becomes an issue of sexism as well.

So ultimately... Highlight women and children but make space for men as well. Because if you don't highlight then then how will society care about them? That change won't come on it's own.


Blackwater-zombie t1_ium9iq4 wrote

It’s basically marketing, the reason for the fight has to be sold to the rest of the world in a way that the world will feel compassion and actually do something. Otherwise the rest of the world tends to just standby and not get involved.


Smarterthanlastweek t1_iumjm07 wrote

> it's a fight for freedom.

To show hair??? Seems like a lot of deaths for that.

Seriously, Why is having to cover one part of the body so important when we already have to cover so many other parts?


imnitwit OP t1_iunxw4j wrote

no, that's my point. it's not about women's right to show hair, "only". it's against the systematically imposed tyranny. it can be manifested in many ways, not letting you show your hair, not having the right to divorce "by default", not letting you take custody of your child after divorce, arresting you for no reason, genocide, not letting you work because of your religion, etc.

every one of these manifestations target a group, and all those groups are exhausted. showing hair isn't about showing hair, it's about the right to show hair and it's only one of the reasons, yet it is a reason.


Smarterthanlastweek t1_iuo5bd3 wrote

> it can be manifested in many ways, not letting you show your hair, not having the right to divorce "by default", not letting you take custody of your child after divorce, arresting you for no reason, genocide, not letting you work because of your religion, etc.

It really seems they should be highlighting these things then.

FATHERS not getting their kids is a big problem in the west by the way. And lots of people also have big problems with how sexually explicit the west has gotten. It's a shit show! If that's what Iranian youth want, I wouldn't recommend it.


imnitwit OP t1_iuotf7n wrote

i know man. that's the whole point of what I'm saying, and this plot. that these must be highlighted (not only what the west wants to hear) and that it's not explicit to women.

and true, though I don't have an ideal eastern state in mind, I dare not to have a lazy answer. most of the people want what they see in Hollywood.


Smarterthanlastweek t1_iupnpz0 wrote

> most of the people want what they see in Hollywood.

Look at how here in the west they're teaching little kids IN SCHOOL that they can cut up their genitals and be the other gender. Look at the steep rise in fatherless families. Look at the porn problem and normalization of things like "Onlyfans" we have. Look at the rise in drug addiction. And decide if we're the example you want your emerging adults to be following.


imnitwit OP t1_iv13qz0 wrote

yes. those aren't my opinions. I mentioned what the majority of the people I see want.


Smarterthanlastweek t1_iv15vnl wrote

Then tell them to look up those things. I know there are many things not so good in islamic cultures, but don't make our mistakes.


cheapcardsandpacks t1_iul1019 wrote

Where there's a government, there's tyranny.


ThePanoptic t1_iuljlhp wrote

it seems pretty alright for 180 other countries, and it has been going really well for the U.S. over the past 300 years.

Maybe live around the woods or something where there is no need to have an intermediate to govern society.

Where there is government, there is tyranny sometimes; where there is no government, there is no functioning society all the time.


cheapcardsandpacks t1_iulp65t wrote

We can function without a gov. Look into communal living. When you shop, go to work, etc, you don't need a gov. The gov forces mandatory schooling. They tell you if you don't give them money you'll go to prison, also known as tax.


mfb- t1_iulrbg3 wrote

> We can function without a gov.

Not with modern living standards, not with the current world population. Sure, having a few people living in caves doesn't need a government, but that's not a realistic option today for most.


cheapcardsandpacks t1_iulxtr6 wrote

Look into anarcho communism. Why do you think we can't function without a gov. Give me some examples


VisenyasRevenge t1_iumaz40 wrote

Because there will always be assholes who dont give a shit.


cheapcardsandpacks t1_iumnql6 wrote

That's why everyone can defend themselves. Also there can be security groups that can keep the peace like the cops. The gov is the biggest most powerful asshole


surferDez t1_iulc22m wrote

Gender disparity even features in government backed violence 😑


arash2003 t1_iun9xh0 wrote

Well women tend to be more peaceful so they are more susceptible to being arrested than murdered but being arrested isn't much better because in prison and interrogation they get sexually assaulted to the point of damaging their bodies.


SpieLPfan t1_ium8632 wrote

I was confused at first because I read "Mehr" and this is the German word for "more".


arash2003 t1_iun9le8 wrote

No No , Mehr is the 7th month in a Iranian year , Shahrivar is the 6th month.

1-Farvardin 2-Oridbehesht 3-Khordad 4-Tir 5-Mordad 6-Shahrivar 7-Mehr 8-Aban 9-Azar 10-Dey 11-Bahman 12-Esfand


imnitwit OP t1_iunx3vc wrote

sorry about that, I'm stupid. I'm pretty much a newbie, this is literally my first post here. I'll do better next time.


DaBIGmeow888 t1_iumgip2 wrote

No, it's a very ugly bar chart with a political message to boot.


ShahsMan t1_iun3w5f wrote

🥲 Iranians: we are dying 😎 This guy: your chart sucks don’t force your politics on me


imnitwit OP t1_iunwgzh wrote

sorry about the aesthetics. I initially wanted to make an animation. I'll try harder next time.

(it required a python library, ffmpeg. I tried installing it but pip was banned. I googled for better colors and it stopped working midway as well. I picked the color codes via MS paint) p.s almost everything's banned for a week now, except government/bank/university portals. using VPNs, I barely even connect to "the internet" as you, fancy aestheticians, know it.


Craksy t1_iun4jiu wrote

I hate to say it but you're right. In every sense. I'm sure there are subs for posting data just for the sake of data.

I follow this sub for the presentation. I don't care how interesting or thought provoking your numbers are, If you didn't give a single fuck about the visual, and just took some default template from Excel, your post doesn't belong here.


arash2003 t1_iunak72 wrote

Oh I'm sorry this data's being an eye sore for you ...

Dumbass , there is no rule for charts being necessary beautiful , The name of he fucking sub is dataisbeautiful NOT chartpresentationisbeautiful.


Craksy t1_iunf0ig wrote

I'm not saying it has to be pretty. Im just saying I care about presentation, and i believe that is the spirit of this sub.

Presentation can also mean applying some technique to make a relationship more clear, or picking just the right kind of chart for your particular dataset.

But some lazy ass dead boring bar chart? Fuck off


imnitwit OP t1_iunzlez wrote

you're right, I'm sorry. I try to learn and do better next time.


Craksy t1_iuo8wnw wrote

Whoa, don't do that to me! Now I just feel like a dick.

Honestly, I was just having myself a bit of a grumpy grandpa moment. Although that is my opinion, I wasn't being very nice, and I could have expressed myself differently.

Again, presentation doesn't have to mean pretty. To me it's just about attention to the actual data, more than what you can conclude or learn from it.

It's perfectly fine to have a message, but consider if there are clever ways to present your data to express it more clearly, or if you can combine different types of visualization to convey more information from the same data. Stuff like that.

...Or just make it fancy. That works for me too!

Anyway, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.


imnitwit OP t1_iuoty4n wrote

xD no you're not! you have the right to express what you want to see. I didn't do "that", I meant it. nowadays our lives in here are mostly about those messages. I might've felt a little too comfortable to use the sub as a platform to, kinda pay my due to the movement, "wherever you are, come a step forward" as they say. I'll do a fancier one next time ;)


imnitwit OP t1_iunz7mg wrote

you're right, I'm sorry. I try to learn and do better next time.


[deleted] t1_iunczob wrote

Wish I was born there tbh


Americaisaterrorist t1_iuoh21b wrote

Downvoted because you included non confirmed deaths, which are highly subjective to propaganda claims.

Would be interested in seeing how many of the deaths were caused by the protesters.


imnitwit OP t1_iuousmu wrote

I included them because they don't let anyone confirm. they steal dead bodies and force the families to do fake conversation/media press and state that the deceased had some background illness, or it was a suicide, or some other reason (same happened with Mahsa Amini. though her father later denied the government's claims). they don't deliver the bodies, even in some cases stolen the buried corpse! and threatened the families to do a press or else they just go toss/bury the corpse in some other unknown place. thus no family dares to confirm. (however, I know about 6 people in the list. 2 confirmed and 4 not confirmed. it's not a very big deviation I believe. though for the sake of truth I did mention that it includes unconfirmed deaths too)

> Would be interested in seeing how many of the deaths were caused by the protesters

the link I mentioned provides that too.


Americaisaterrorist t1_iuoxvuc wrote

No. You need an independent third party. Otherwise, its both sides flinging propaganda at each other. We already know that the usa lied about Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. so such news "sources" don't mean anything. They hid tons of casualties and were later exposed.


DOBLU t1_iumd1mh wrote

This data includes non confirmed deaths. We shouldn't jump to conclusions.


ShahsMan t1_iumopwu wrote

Pro-regime shill, check his history.


DOBLU t1_iumxepk wrote

  1. Username checks out.
  2. It doesn't matter what I am. What I said is literally backed up by the post itself.

ShahsMan t1_iumxpkx wrote

Hell yes my username checks out, Pahlavi’s only mistake was allowing Najaf to become a hotbed of lies.

“Jump to conclusions” is the issue, we cannot have fully confirmed information by design of the Islamic republic you shill for.

Want a free and open society where we don’t have to rely on private citizens risking their freedom to get us information? Take it up with your Rahbar.


DOBLU t1_iumyl0p wrote

>“Jump to conclusions” is the issue, we cannot have fully confirmed information by design of the Islamic republic you shill for.

So how are we supposed to believe this then? Who's word are we trusting? Where did the source get their data from? There's a reason why they said its "unconfirmed".


ShahsMan t1_iumz58b wrote

First off, don’t you love how a regime supporter just ignores that his supported government has never allowed a free press to exist? Side stepping that like it’s some gum on the sidewalk 😂

We believe Iranian citizens in Iran, the vast majority of whom are sending us information that captures acts of brutality by the regime.

It is unfortunate that the regime refused to ever reform peacefully when it had the chance in prior peaceful protests. They created this situation with their insane repression and any consequences are squarely on their shoulders.

Go back to r/proiran and r/Shia where you can preach to your audience of residents of Pakistan, Yemen, and Lebanon.

Real Iranians are busy in r/newiran


iamsunnycoast t1_iulozi6 wrote

What are those positions? How much power does a Mehr wield? Is it the Mehr of capitol doing so many murders?


flunky_the_majestic t1_ium9atx wrote

Mehr is a month on their calendar. The x axis is time, divided by days of the month. The Gregorian calendar equivalent is notated in a few places for western alignment.