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rosetechnology OP t1_iums5l6 wrote

Source: NHTSA

Generated using Rose AI

There is a lot of variance in the number of child pedestrian deaths on Halloween night (in 2020 there were 0 but in 2019 there was only one), which is speculated to be because Halloween is falling on different nights of the week each year.

The average for this time period on Halloween night is ~4.

See the chart here.


notthatcreative777 t1_iuqlj61 wrote

Halloween deaths zero in 2020 due to covid, not day of the week. No one in my town went out.


Zoralliah_Author t1_iun9j7p wrote

I'd be interested in seeing that kind of variance incorporated into the graph somehow, since mere totals obscures this info. Looking at the data, I see this is from the US. That's also a good thing to incorporate into your title or as a mention for your data source.