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t1_iuzduk3 wrote

What kind of ludicrous conspiracy theory is that?

It is obviously a dial so they can move prices up and down at will, and not a button.


t1_iuzp77l wrote

I have it on good authority it is a complicated system of pullies and cranks


t1_iuzzkcf wrote

Like a rubix cube with more steps


t1_iv2aznt wrote

You Are All Wrong !! The president spins in his office 3 times then he needs to clicked his heels 3 times. Follow by meeting with the shamens where they share a ceremonial gummy before leaving this dimension to meet with the gas gods. He must high five the gas God ExxonMobil in that dimension before the trip is over and he thrusted he back to our dimension.

It's super important that he spins 3 times or he has to do this all over again and so help us if he forgets . The gas prices increase by 4 dollars.

I have insider knowledge this is why sometimes all the presidents age so much. It's stressful job and journey to reach the gas God every midterm. ...




Do I even need to say /s If you think I was serious This is your clear sign you are super susceptible to delusional thoughts and your probally in a cult.