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t1_ixn7bj9 wrote

Biggest factors are probably aging population and increasing population share of minorities that don't drink as much as indigenous Europeans.


OP t1_ixn8qkt wrote

Yeah actually that sounds quite fair. Also in my experience in many countries there is now a push towards healthy lifestyle


t1_ixnohpp wrote

... per capita average is not telling the whole story. Important part is also HOW this average is achieved - norway and greece have the same average, but greeks have a cup of retzina for lunch and then an ouzo digestive in the evening, and maybe a coffee with cognac in the morning - and do this every day. In norway, people are not drinking at all during the weekdays, only to get completely shitfaced on friday night...


t1_ixoxur8 wrote

It would be interesting to see where populations do their drinking, (bars, restaurants, home, work, etc.) I only have anecdotal evidence for this, but in the UK the notorious public drinking of the young adults during the 90s - 00s has been replaced with home drinking by the middle aged.


OP t1_ixpose6 wrote

Oh that’s kinda interesting, it would be cool to have some country level qualitative insights


t1_ixpl0oa wrote

Is one better than the other?


t1_ixpm1xt wrote

Public drinking is probably less harmful and has a less bad culture... But it's way more obvious, drunk people on the streets and sick and stuff.


t1_ixpp4vd wrote

Yes, certainly. Drinking a bit, but regularly is much less damaging than getting completely shitfaced once/twice a week. If you compare e.g. spain, france vs. poland, estonia, you again see more-or-less the same average in alcohol consumption. On the other hand, deaths from alcohol-related diseases are 0.6; 3.8; 8.2; 12.2 (!!) per 100k, respectively. Binge drinking damages health WAY more than regular modest drinking.


OP t1_ixpouva wrote

Good point. Unfortunately this who dataset has only very basic dimensions but it’s still interesting data in my opinion


t1_ixncztj wrote

It is not known whether soft drugs haven't come to replace alcohol


OP t1_ixpoot5 wrote

True, I only show what the data shows but it would be a good idea to include alcohol alternatives too


t1_ixsqmao wrote

Can i please have an idea about the tool/ software used for this graphic?


OP t1_ixts3cq wrote

Sure, it was created with Tableau. More specifically Tableau Public 2022.3 :)


t1_ixq3bpp wrote

My hangover leads me to think we arent drinking less


t1_ixpw123 wrote

We're older each year... Youngsters and adults keep drinking, but they're not enough. That's It.