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historycat95 t1_ivt99te wrote

I would like to see the Democrats target hunters more.

"Only crybabies need an AR-15."

"Real men don't spray and pray"

"The difference between hunters and gun nuts? Hunters only need one shot."


juniorspank t1_ivtd5xc wrote

I’m not sure if you’ve ever actually encountered a hunter but they’re likely not using AR15s, they certainly won’t “spray and pray” (wtf is this, COD?), and the goal is one shot by most accounts (exception being things like waterfowl).


BBOoff t1_ivte61r wrote

That is the entire point.

u/historycat95 is advocating for an ad campaign that seeks to divorce the "I have a .308 for deer hunting and a 12 ga for turkeys" demographic from the "tacticool loadout 6x AR-15s and 12x Glocks" camp, so that they can convince the first to support some limitations on the second.


juniorspank t1_ivtekuw wrote

But that second group aren’t hunters usually, they’re range folks (which is cool too, to each their own).

Do I think the US needs some better gun laws and culture? For sure. Do I think going about it by insulting people with advertising? No, generally insults don’t make change.


BBOoff t1_ivtmiw7 wrote

Insults don't make change, but they make divisions.

The goal of the campaign here is to divide hunters from range guys, so that Democrats can pass gun safety laws designed to target range guys without the hunters opposing them out of "gun owner solidarity."


historycat95 t1_ivtw3y2 wrote

Hunters are also conservationists. So while dividing them from gun nuts, you court them with the benefits of a green economy on hunting.


EcstaticMaybe01 t1_ivtm8so wrote

I have an AR-15 chambered in .308... works well for hunting and allows for follow-up shots if the deer bolts at the last second. I also like the customization options offered by the platform.

The whole "Only shit hunters use AR-15s" stems from one purist making a comment and the anti gun crowd latching on to it because it forwarded their agenda.

I mean, I'm sure you could just as easily find some asshole who thinks "Real hunters" use bows beacuse they hunt with a bow.


spssky t1_ivtdnhu wrote

I read this as “the exception being werewolves” and the nonchalance with which it was presented made me really believe my dude was out here hunting werewolves regularly


juniorspank t1_ivtdque wrote

Silver bullets are an absolute must for werewolves, they’re just so damn expensive now.


cbeiser t1_ivtj46i wrote

That's the point. They are bragging they are hunters and don't need ar-15s
