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t1_ivujf5f wrote

Not american, I don't take side in american politics. Just fyi.

This chart:

Republicans: Chill things like fishing and hunting and being a family, also personal financial stuff, news and small businesses.

Democrats: Activist, social movement, NPR radio..



t1_ivwpo8w wrote

The old adage is that conservatives want to be left alone, and progressives want to see change.

And, for the most part, it actually creates somewhat of a reasonable discord between people. The problem is when the sides deviate from these values and start to impose the opposite on their counterparts.

So, if the conservatives just want to be left alone, then maybe they should stay away from the abortion issue and stop pushing their religion on children. If the progressives want to equality and social liberty, then maybe they need to stop demanding society punish people that are exercising their constitutional rights in a lawful manor.


t1_ivwvwvi wrote

Yes absolutely, it's all about balance and making everyone happy. Politics definitely ain't easy!