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OuidOuigi t1_ivxsmnu wrote

Right. How is zero Covid going again?


martintinnnn t1_ivxtupo wrote

The joke's on the US.

It hurts the US with inflation anytime China is quarantining a city or region. China will just sell its stuff with a jacked up price due to rarity. They lose nothing and the Americans pay more because they get everything from China and rely in Chinese goods for pretty much everything.


lesliestandifer t1_ivyny7s wrote

Since Trump was around US companies have been moving production out of China, the final nail is semiconductors, and new us fabs will be online in a few years.


[deleted] t1_ivyr6so wrote

trump deserves credit for recognizing over dependence on china. semiconductors was not his doing, i'm pretty sure


lesliestandifer t1_ivz9oi9 wrote

I’m not attributing it to him just pointing out that semiconductor manufacturing is really the only thing left there? Maybe lipo manufacturing but it’s toxic to product maybe want to leave it there idk.


ProjectComplete8604 t1_iw05j9a wrote

Agreed. The only good thing from his presidency was cracking down on China, imo. Did he do it in the best way? Probably not, but every other President just ignored the giant looming problem, and did nothing. At least he got it started. Glad Biden didn't fully reverse course. It will be an interesting next decade. And yeah, the semiconductors bill was passed only a few months ago under Biden. More US investment is still needed, and more "friend-shoring" for the various other industries we need to protect.