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ninjacookies00 t1_iw2lt0e wrote

I have heard people who like anime talking about how good demon slayer is. I couldn't walk the halls of my high school for a solid month without hearing someone who isn't typically into anime talking about SAO. It is very simple and digestible as a first anime. A lot of those reasons are what makes it seem worse if you have a background watching anime or rewatching it.


Muffin-Sprinkles t1_iw2op6t wrote

I definitely remember it as an anime people who wouldn't normally watch anime watched it. It was massive for a time.


Martin7431 t1_iw353qv wrote

i totally agree about SAO being a phenomenon at the time, but i thought the success of demon slayer was like, unprecedented? isn't it like the highest grossing series relatively? im not a massive fan, but i feel like demon slayer has also attracted a lot of non-anime fans