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t1_ixm4v4x wrote

No, that,my friend, is why i'm happy with my life and i can enjoy football.

I don't invest in Clubs just as i don't buy slaves :)

I've got a job, a house and have financial security for about 12 months - why should i chase after more money?


t1_ixn4m30 wrote

You have a job so you obviously are chasing after more money. If you only had 10B pounds, you could enjoy your football and get paid to own a team.


t1_ixncorz wrote

Actually no, i do i job in a company where i earn a lot less than in other companies because i really like my job :)

With 10b i would simply do nothing at all which i unhealthy


t1_ixnihz5 wrote

With 10b, you can pay other people to be healthy for you.


t1_ixqhcmz wrote

that you can do with 4 mill. There is absolutely no sensible reason to ever have more than a few million dollars.

And, just accept it, some people don't want to enrich themself on the work of other people. I believe in the value of work, and thus I deem getting rich off stock options as asocial.