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hama0n t1_iwslb71 wrote

So if you can quickly determine that a site is bullshit, or if you're a fast reader, that means you have a lower attention span?


Winjin t1_iwu1wym wrote

I think this is it. Sites are trash and most of the content is trash.

As soon as I see a new Jay Foreman video, he gets my complete and undivided focused attention for the whole 15 minutes. A new MyMechanics? 25 minutes with zero interruptions. And it's not about flashy clip attention or whatever these assholes claim.

Whenever I watch a GOOD cartoon or series that don't muck around, I put down my phone and watch it intensely.

However a lot of content is just trash, or borderline trash. No, sorry, I'm not spending a full minute looking at that tiktok video. Not because I have deficit of attention, but because it's like watching paint dry. And it doesn't matter if you use clip style or not.