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pesv95ab t1_ix44ywu wrote

It is lacking context big time and has been manipulated even more.

Yes more migrants have come to Qatar because of the World Cup, but the migrant population has alway been huge in Qatar. Native Qataries are about 12% of the population. The rest are migrants. There re more people from India (700k), Bangladesh and Nepal (400k each) Vs Locals 330k. That ratio has been around for decades plus minus a few %. Last time locals were a majority in their own country was in the 1980s, before gas and oil.

Also it is all deaths...including old age, disease, car crashes, murder and so on.

Also they include deaths before the stadiums even began building. And the 2020 numbers include Covid deaths.

They also ignore conditions at home Vs conditions there for the migrants. Have anyone been in India lately during the summer and how hot is it there? And how crappy the living conditions are for many people?

And what about the other Gulf Nations? Qatar is an "enemy" because of their good relations with Iran and bad relations with Saudi Arabia. They are also behind Al Jazeera, which pisses off Saudi Arabia, and other gulf nations for exposing their dirty laundry. There has been a defacto cold war going on for over 10 years. Hell Saudi Arabia were looking into digging ditch so the Qatar would become a island.

Migrants have built the gulf since the 1970s and have lived under the same conditions and worse as the ones in Qatar since long before that.. and just now it becomes a problem for one country and not the others? I have personally witnessed these conditions in the 1980s and 1990s and they could be absolutely horrible compared to western standards. Oddly enough no one complained much back then, because western companies and countries were earning big bucks. No one talked much about it when building up Dubai and it's big buildings... You think the migrants were treated better there?

No when we start banning Manchester City, Arsenal, Newcastle, PSG, Real Madrid due to their ties to gulf countries...not buying oil and gas, not having our companies in those countries...who all use the same exploitation practices ironically..then maybe things would change...but that ain't gonna happen.


Fr0stpie t1_ix5cqt0 wrote

Hey yo yo hold on just because we are top of the table doest mean we are an oil club. Arsenal is owned by kse. Stan kroenke is a douche but still we didn't splash a load of money like other oil clubs.


pesv95ab t1_ix5hvuu wrote

Emirates Stadium, and Fly Emirates on the shirt. Who do you think built the airports Emirates fly from and fancy hotels and resorts they supply tourists with?


zeelbeno t1_ix69qj2 wrote

Don't forget their 'visit Rwanda' sponsership... that aged well


Fr0stpie t1_ix5isky wrote

That goes for every stadium and airport in the world. I donts get it how arsenal came in all this. Every club have ties in some other way with that logic. Ac milan lyon hell there is even a emirates fa cup ? I dont condone all the innocents lives lost but if u bring politics in sports there will be very less to enjoy. Dont forget up until last season chelsea was being owned by abrahimovic. Lets not go down that rabbit hole


pesv95ab t1_ix5l0vh wrote

I don't disagree.

But my point is the hypocrisy by especially the British media (who have been leading the charge) is massive. No complaints about Man City and their owners, but plenty of crap about Qatar. There was moaning when Newcastle was taken over, but nothing compared to this. And not a peep when Emirates got naming rights on the new Arsenal stadium.

If people really want to change things, then going after Arsenal or City or any other business that does business with gulf nations is far more effective than going after Qatar for something the whole region does and on a much bigger scale. Not to mention this world cup is forgotten by January 1st, and the leagues with sponsors from the very same problem countries start up. Real Madrid has emirates as sponsor too..just saying.


jmr1190 t1_ix5qqr8 wrote

If you pay attention, plenty of people are complaining about those things too - and have been for years.

Sportswashing is a real thing and it’s killing sport. Qatar is no different.