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Maiyku t1_ixbk9sr wrote

This is super interesting!

It’s nice to see my airport near the top, though it really should be as an international airport lol. (DTW).

I wonder if Company Hubs affect this a little? I know DTW is a hub for Delta, for example.


uncoolcentral t1_ixbldr9 wrote

Data is presented in a ridiculously long image but not beautifully


langfordw t1_ixbnpir wrote

Probably, but also interesting that that LAX is not a hub for any airline. But on the other hand it’s so big that it is a mini-hub for every US Airline. United: it’s own terminal. Alaska, T6. American: 2 terminals. Delta: brand new terminal. SW: nasty ass terminal but dammit it is theirs!


MoonageDayscream t1_ixc5rfj wrote

I thought JFK would be at least one step higher. But I suppose there are so many options in the area they can't really get over the top.


Nomad624 t1_ixcvilk wrote

Ok so

  1. Numbers would really help. The 1 & 2 hop amount is the most important to gauge an airports connectedness, but they're so small compared to the rest of the bar that you can't see them, and I can't easily compare between two airports, only which one connects to more places.
  2. Too much info, I actually like the layout but there are hundreds, maybe a thousand locations, which is insane for a reddit post.

jakubkonecki t1_ixd5dw8 wrote

Why do the lines have different total length?

Assuming all the airports can be reached in 4 hops, than the total length should be the same - while the differences would be in the lengths on individual components.

Sorting by 2 hops seems very arbitrary. Finding a certain airport means scanning the whole list. I would suggest sorting by IATA code.


miclugo t1_ixe20ds wrote

Not all airports can be reached in 4 hops from all others - see this Travel StackExchange question for examples. Examples are something like Adak, Alaska (which only has service to Anchorage) to Chimbu, Papua New Guinea (which only has service to Port Moresby, the capital of PNG); Anchorage to Port Moresby requires three hops, something like Anchorage - LAX - Brisbane - Port Moresby). I'm not sure if that explains the length differences, though.