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thermidorthelobster t1_ixcq787 wrote

Maybe it’s just me but what does zero represent? What’s the baseline?


Savoy_Cabbage OP t1_ixcqw37 wrote

The scale is the change in market cap from 2020 to 2021, and from 2021 to 2022. Zero represents a $0 change in market cap.
e.g. 2020 market cap = 100, 2021 market cap = 150, 2022 market cap = 110; then 2021 change = +50, 2022 change = -40


Oddmob t1_ixfc9y7 wrote

You should put that in the image.

It says 2021 vs 2022. I assumed it was just the change between those two. I came to the comments to find out what the second bar was.


[deleted] t1_ixcu2ld wrote



Savoy_Cabbage OP t1_ixcvofm wrote

Because that's the only way to get a change in market cap? Subtract current year from previous year.


Puzzleheaded_Fox2357 t1_ixcwapo wrote

ohh wait no I see it now

I think the optical illusion was throwing me off I’ll see myself out