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OrangePrototype OP t1_iz0vhbb wrote

Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Tools: Javascript and WebGL


tallmantim t1_iz392bv wrote

very cool :-)

a metric version would be good (I don't live in Liberia!)


brotmandel t1_iz3s0ba wrote

Seismologist here, this is rad but the earthquake layer is nonsense. You can't use magnitude like you did here. Would love to chat more if you're interested.


tterrag1098 t1_iz179d8 wrote

What effect does the impact angle have? I can't see much of one from a bit of testing.


pompatous665 t1_iz185y8 wrote

None. Unless the angle of impact is very nearly horizontal, the crater produced will be circular.


JTanCan t1_iz3o2dg wrote

Is that comment about the game or in real life?


Xyex t1_iz4ldb2 wrote

Real life. Asteroids hit with such force that the angle doesn't matter. They essentially explode on impact, blasting out a crater much larger than the original asteroid. And explosions don't care about angle of impact, they're gonna be a big old ball of fire regardless.


pompatous665 t1_iz53unf wrote

There are a few elliptical craters mapped on planets and moons in real life - they account for less than 5%.of all craters. The angle of impact has to be less than ~10°.


matandola t1_iz3sxve wrote

This is super cool! Can you add a total deaths count as a final page for each asteroid strike?


kc2syk t1_iz5i1n9 wrote

Nicely done! Some things you might consider adding to the model:

  • how much ejecta is emitted, where it lands and number killed
  • tsunami height, coastal inundation and number killed
  • amount of material added to the atmosphere, global temperature change, and number killed from resultant crop failures over the following years

Also, I think a total number killed at the top of the results display would be useful.