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theverybigapple OP t1_izuekka wrote

From 14 million (men+women) to 22.8 million, almost a 60%+ increase. Isn't it high enough?


718cs t1_izv510t wrote

World population grew 80%. So no, I would not say that it’s going up unexpectedly quick


TOPOFDETABLE t1_izxia4m wrote

US population has only increased by roughly 50% so it has been going up quicker than population growth.


718cs t1_izxncx2 wrote

World population 1980: 4.4B

World population now: 8.1B

That’s a lot more than 50%


shapesize t1_izuyvar wrote

I was talking about the % of parents that were single fathers, which is what the graph is titled as. This is not the best chart to display the data if we’re trying to compare the overall raw numbers.