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Ghostforever7 t1_izwooek wrote

Why use millions as unit of measurement, if you are doing thousands of millions? It's called a billion.


off_and_on_again t1_izy6cdu wrote

Honestly I prefer the millions. I know it's the same, but saying someone spends 700 million more on marketing than R&D hits home a little more than .7 billion more.


gophergun t1_izyd6k6 wrote

Because it's not just thousands of millions. For example, $0.059B is a silly way of phrasing that number.


Ghostforever7 t1_izzjg4b wrote

You either are really bad at math or come from a non-English speaking country where long scale is used. English graphics should only use short scale.


LuigiDaBoss123 t1_izyli46 wrote

Billion means different things in different parts of the world. A thousand million, however? The same everywhere


Ghostforever7 t1_izzj0xz wrote

I guess I learned something new. That being said Short scale is total trash and a much more confusing and complicated way of displaying numbers. The point is this is an English graphic and short scale is the official scale of English speaking countries.