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anonkitty2 t1_j22ehey wrote

Warning: there are two ways to lower the number of endangered species in an area.


HappyTheDisaster t1_j22qrm7 wrote

Yeah, it’s like, having a lot of creatures that are endangered is really good or really bad.


SerialPhilanderer t1_j22zlx0 wrote

Well 3:

  • Help endangered species thrive
  • Kill off stuff that's endangered
  • Don't actually look for at risk species in the first place

commanderquill t1_j23e5y2 wrote

They meant that you can lower the number of endangered species in your state by helping them recover or by letting them die out. Either option will decrease the number of species on the endangered list.


Mike2220 t1_j23ggxy wrote

Well, they did have a point with what they were saying, if they have an inaccurate count from under reporting, it's going to skew lower, and say there's a fewer amount of endangered species

Like how one method people employed of lower confirmed covid cases was to not test. Can't have confirmed cases if you don't test, though it does nothing to the actual amount of covid cases.


anonkitty2 t1_j27hmvw wrote

Failing to look won't remove species that are already being counted.


trollsmurf t1_j22v4ii wrote

You can't be endangered if you don't exist (anymore).


Kind-Wait-2432 t1_j250guj wrote

Lmao…I was thinking “so extinct lowers the numbers, amirite?”


Kind-Wait-2432 t1_j250x83 wrote

Ahhh…and nurturing them into proliferation does too. Got it!