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ObsessiveTimekeeper OP t1_j2mjs9e wrote

* Not quite every minute

Source: Personal entry into a custom website I built for easily tracking activities as they happen in real-time.

Visualization: Chart.js for the doughnut and stacked line/area chart, and custom html/css for the rest.

Number crunching: Javascript

I was inspired by a dataisbeautiful post last year where someone tracked every hour of their day throughout the year. After a week of mulling, I decided I should do the same and began hacking together a simple tool to help me stay on top of things. The tool consists of a big grid of "blocks" that map to a single activity (sleeping, eating, working, etc.). A block always has to be ticking, there's no turning it offโ€“ only switching to another activity. The data is thrown into firebase so I can sync between my pc and phone, and I eventually built a small screen to allow me to edit logs after the fact for when I forgot to update the timer.

Technically I didn't track every single minute of the year ๐Ÿ™‚. In fact, I officially started on the 16th, but unfortunately suffered some data loss due to bugs early on in the year

Notes on the viz:

  1. The little day/night clocks are 24/hr and oriented such that 0:00 is pointing directly to the right
  2. The play/stop icons for the 7 highest activities (besides sleep) indicate the most likelystart/stop time rounded to 10 minutes. Notice that these don't necessarily represent a continuous interval of start -> stop. I.e. The most common stop time can happen before the most common start.

s_hightree t1_j2mr36p wrote

Is your custom website setup open source by any chance?! Would be awesome do to something similar. I use Toggle now for work, which has already gotten me in the habit of tracking time throughout the workday- might as well extend into everyday life!


[deleted] t1_j2o4c5p wrote



ObsessiveTimekeeper OP t1_j2o5psy wrote

>Not open source (the code isn't very pretty). But I do have it publicly accessible here:


not_qz t1_j2qp7mm wrote

Is there anything you would want to do more of / less of!

I tracked my time for a few years and it really helped optimise my life