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igotnocandyforyou t1_j2rx93q wrote

It depends. 99% of the complaining I hear are from people at work or small talk situations and bs complaints. Complaining about first world problems are a slap in the face to those living in poverty. They get the Book of Job talk. For your view of the bible, you sound like someone who enjoys the tale about causality - causality, the invisible force for those who think they are scientific - worship. Are you telling me that you have seen cause? (Though I doubt you've thoroughly read David Hume'sTreatise and the Enquiry). Further, you think the bible can only be read as either absolute truth or as a lie. The Bible is very useful as a set of allegories. The hyperbole of Job is perfect for people who just like to complain... like bitches like you. No. My response follows a line of, (age dependant)"Do you need immediate medical attention? What's your plan to fix the situation? What part of this situation are you responsible for? What's going on that you have to be grateful for? How you been in a similar situation and survived? Do you just need yo talk? Etc.


trail34 t1_j2rxwej wrote

> like bitches like you

Classy. Again I’d suggest you take a look at how you engage with fellow humans.