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t1_j6a7za9 wrote

I think you think you made a point, but you did not


t1_j6a8wx2 wrote

What's interesting is that "made a point" does not have one single implementation, but this tends to be not how it appears to a person performing an implementation.

I mean come on, this is a data science subreddit, not /r/politics.


t1_j6abvab wrote

No, you come on and use your words to describe the point YOU want to make. Arguing by allusion is not arguing in good faith. Any Interpretor would have to parse their thoughts through you not being forthcoming with yours.


t1_j6acsoo wrote

> No, you come on and use your words to describe the point YOU want to make.

I've made it above, you are welcome to do with it as you please.

> Arguing by allusion is not arguing in good faith.

lol, memes are not effective on me, though I suspect they'll be rather influential on 3rd party observers (which is the point perhaps?).

> Any Interpretor would have to parse their thoughts through you not being forthcoming with yours.

Oh do you know how people you've never met would experience the situation?

Sir: are you putting me on?


t1_j6ad9ck wrote

What? How do I know that the human psyche changes when met with unknowns vs knowns?

Making a point to yourself is what you did, troll me is also what you did. I didn’t state a meme I informed you that your method of argument is lackluster in a polite discussion, though I didn’t use so many words.

It’s okay if you can’t articulate your point well just try your best! And I’ll help you refine what you actually wanted to say :)


t1_j6aedge wrote

> What? How do I know that the human psyche changes when met with unknowns vs knowns?

You very well may not know's not exactly common knowledge!

> Making a point to yourself is what you did, troll me is also what you did.

Here you are describing your experience. The experiences of others (more commonly known as "reality", or what "is") are not necessarily the same.

> I didn’t state a meme I informed you that your method of argument is lackluster in a polite discussion, though I didn’t use so many words.

"Not arguing in good faith" is a meme.


  • an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.

  • an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means.

> It’s okay if you can’t articulate your point well just try your best! And I’ll help you refine what you actually wanted to say :)

Haha, I love it!! 🙏 You just earned yourself an updoot, partner!