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thepancakehouse t1_j6b1jsc wrote

Oh God, it's gotten worse in just 24hrs. Of course only some wacked out conservative source (fox) is the only source. I know Newsweek (not crazy reputable) had an article. If nothing else, the 10min video where the Pfizer guy, Walker absolutely spilling all of the beans, made its rounds on twitter. I'll see what I can do. This is my point though. They are burying it; making it out to be nothing. This is cahoots on a legitimately high level. Why can't it be discussed?!?! Why can't we ask questions and get answers from the source and not simply a lack of existence of information?! There's no reason the Pelosi tape should have more coverage than this. That attack is OLD NEWS and there is a metric ton of stuff news media will talk at length about even though they know literally nothing about it.


FixSwords t1_j6cd16z wrote

Is it possible there’s not really much of story there? Or at least not enough verified info/identities for journalists to report on?

I’m not trying to discount the story, it’s just this reads a little like some conspiracy claims can sound where the lack of evidence is cited as proof of the conspiracy.

I don’t know how ‘they’ would bury it from the likes of journalists if it was all over Twitter?